Helyan We



8 years, 5 months ago


Name: Helyan We (pronounced Hell-yawn Way)

Age: unknown

Height: 6'7" (201 cm)

Personality: Quiet and mysterious, he gives off an aura to not to be messed with, but a gentle and kind soul hides beneath the scowls and quiet stares. He enjoys nursing injured animals back to health and he will do anything to help out anyone that asks (though he doesn't speak much).

As a side note, he is a pansexual, but he doesn't go in search of loves, he allows them to come to him.

Crystal Type: Bornite

Physical Appearance: Although extremely tall, he is not physically large. His body starts off rather stacked up top with strong muscular arms and strong large hands, but his torso thins in a V shape towards his hips. He has well toned thighs and claves. His eyes are the same colors as his horns, swirling around when he's happy or in a neautral mind-set.

History: The creator of this man actually stumbled upon him by accident. They were trying to create a cure for a terrible illness, and instead, during their state of concentration and the reaction of the solution dripping onto the stone, it created this Crystalhorn. Intrigued by him, she raised him for a few days, learning his abilities and traits, but only after a few weeks, she grew tired of him and discarded him, again, working on her cure.

Left and abandoned, Helyan We moved into the forest and wondered around alone for many years. He found a particular pear tree and lived off the fruit and other various ediple plants that he found along the way and in the area. He learned the ways of the forest and of himself, figured out how to sew and created his own outfit from scratch.

Has the ability to control earth and rock to an extent, can control anything that hasn't been refined (such as iron or other metals).

Because of his rare double coloring, he actually has a second, less controllable power of wielding fire. He often does mesmerizing dances with the fire when he's happy or sad. When he's angry, his fire can be uncontrollable, and when he's enraged, he has the power to wield lightening.

Likes: pears, the forest, animals, spider lillies

Dislikes: authority figures, abrasive people, poison ivy(allergic)

Extra: He covers his face because he is actually wanted in most areas outside of the forest, though the reasons for these warants are unknown. His emotions are strong in love, acceptance, and anger.