
1 month, 1 day ago


There are some notes in the tab to genki's mother

Ethnicity: Mixed (Maybe some native american? Greek? Japanese? I think the icarus follower I have some native american names that might fit for him? I need to go through the list)

Real Name:??? Fake name (Used when hiding from nigthstalker organization along with his wife and kids):

There might be two fake names? 1. fake name before genki's parents was captured by nightstalkers/safe haven 2. fake name after safe haven collapse

Temporary nickname: Rajin? (maybe his familiar often takes a wolf form? Raijū? (it's possible cyrus deity might be nicknamed Raijū but its japanese name so it might not fit cyrus. or is the japanese translation of cyrus deity name? Cyrus or Damien might be called Amarok as well. Amarok is native american. I think maybe he is nicknamed Raijū so there is less confusion in the future if i end up calling Cyrus deity for Amarok? Raijū could be the japanese nickname for Amarok? In mythology I think some mythology are the same or very similar it. the names are changed.

I lean on raijū. Since I see it takes the form of animals to genki's dad familiar. ----------------------- Mythology A raijū's body is composed of (or wrapped in) lightning and commonly conceived of as taking the form of a white-blue wolf or dog, among other such animal forms as a tanuki, leopard, fox, weasel, black or white panther, serow, ferret, marten, tiger, and cat.[1] It may also fly about as a ball of lightning (in fact, the creature may be an attempt to explain the phenomenon of lightning, such as ball lightning). Its cry sounds like thunder. ---------------------------- One part of me wonder if he was Raiden? But it might be more impactful for haruna that her son is named after a cousin? Although it's a bit funny if genki's dad is raiden. It would infuriate nishimoto family. And might be funny if raiden (tyreks son) become icarus follower. He will loose his nightstalker powers and keep his invulnerability since that is from osiris. he has the freedom to choose if he wants icarus powers. He might do that, as symbol of rejecting nightstalkers and being icarus ally. ------------- genki's dad ethnicity is mixed. Gives backstory about icarus followers always being on the move, not staying in one spot because they are hunted by nightstalkers.

Tattoos on arms and chest?

Depending on when Genki's dad was captured. He might have been the one who has been tagging grafitti warnings to Icarus followers and mutants with energy powers from using their powers. Nigthstalkers would remove the grafitti when they saw it. Or maybe it was his parents (Genki's grandparents) who tagged warnings wherever they travelled and that got genki and his parents captured? Then he plays a role in saving damiens life? If Damien saw the grafitti warnings and didn't use his powers in public up to the point he was kidnapped by safe haven. + If Damien experienced hate crime as mutant and that is a reason he moved to safe haven. He will listen to those warnings. Then there is also a backstory to why genki's dad is mixed and possible capture. They were writing messages to people all over the world.

Safe haven and nightstalkers: used genki's dad to create icarus followers to send in trial room. (if the trial room allowed the followers to leave the room, but the price was they couldnt retry the trial. Then they were hunted down by the nightstalker organization. Used to rigg the "icarus follower " hunting system and fuel their propaganda about icarus followers to control nightstalkers underground. Depending on when genki's dad was captured. If he was adult, then he might be military? Maybe he was close to showing the truth to nightstalkers but genki's mother knocked him unconcious? (genki's dad is powerful so she must have tricked him to get close or used something like a gun and shot him and he didn't get chance to use his powers to defend himself. It's possible he tried to talk her out of using the weapon.

I think i lean on maybe genki's dad was captured as a kid? Because his parents tagged warnings everywhere across the world. Maybe met genki's mother as a kid. She faked alliance with nightstalkers (and also gathering information to find out who is telling the truth. To betray the nightstalkers or not) + try to find a way to escape. It would be impossible for a kid to escape the underground city. Maybe she accepted becoming queen to make herself stronger? or maybe being a queen allowed her to leave as she pleased? If she became queen. she most likely got married or engaged. and if she used her powers. there is more risk of people figuring out the truth. i lean on she snuck them out. if she was going to get married i bet she got power to order people around. so its possible she fled before wedding. I also get impression IF she is a queen. it might have happened the same day? or maybe the first day is the ritual to become queen. see if the ritual works? I bet its sacred process. One day is focus on the ritual ? + celebration if the ritual works? The wedding is next day or next week?

----------------------- Captured notes: Captured by nightstalkers. Either by Nishimoto or Nishimoto got him to them. I lean on a Nishimoto family member might have captured him. Maybe even Genki's mother? It sounds a bit cliche? So I dont know about that one.

Might have been captured as a kid, and genki's mother found the lab they make icarus followers by accident (This is if genki's mother was different from haruna since she was young. It's possible she was exactly like haruna. I think I lean on she might be softer, or had a itty bitty more freedom than haruna. Nishimoto blame themselves for not being stricter on her. By allowing her to be soft they "failed" in raising her right. I lean on he was captured by nightstalkers and thats how he met genki's mother (this sounds like a "how i met your mother" meme fdsf

1. Is captured by nightstalkers 2. Meets genki's mother (who might be a queen, or was supposed to marry main royal family. She might be turned into a queen. I will add notes about this in different tab) 3. Genki's mother free him (and other icarus followers or/and imposters. I lean on there was several people down there and she freed everyone. 4. nishimoto frame it as they killed or captured genki's mother. that they were ambushed by icarus followers (when in reality icarus followers/energy manipulators fought to escape the place 5. Genki's mother and dad change names and flee to america (most likely taking american names. 6. Genki's and siblings are born 7.Genki and his family are captured by nishimoto/nightstalkers/safe haven 8. Victors family turn people up against each other. The moment genki and damien return from the trial room. Safe Haven collapse start. Its possible nightstalkers and safe haven attack one another (they were planning to betray one another. I have notes about this too) 9. genkis family take new names again. 10. genkis family most likely live with victors parents? (i need to double check what is smartest. living spread out, or together. if they live together. they get the risk of getting killed when grouped up. while being spread out they can be killed since they are weaker when seperated. charlotte and victor was using magic to help stay hidden. I lean on they were together. number in strenght. They had kids to protect.

----------------------- Familiar Notes: The familiars change and shift into whatever they want. I think his animals are often big, poweful majestic/elegant creatures like: Leopard, jaguar, tiger, lion, polar bear ---------------------------------------- In Main AU: Deceased In Genki/Icarus AU: Allive?

I think Icarus ressurected the people that was lost when the city was nuked since damien decided to face the organization. (icarus didn't want to ressurect the people they lost if they didn't handle the threat. Then they would experience the trauma of losing them over and over again + putting everyone else in danger. Main AU Damien tried to do inbetween thing. Not making deal with Icarus and trying to ressurect the people. But damien wasn't able to bring them back)

I lean on Genki/Icarus AU. Damien was too brave (Most likely handled the organization alone. since he is afraid of others getting in danger/involved because of his actions. It's possible main au damien was scared of one small slip, could be the downfall of the group. In genki's world I lean on Damien spared haruna, and she hired people to kill damien. I think Damien achieved something like putting nightstalkers in prison or taking ridd of their powers. or even leaking them out. I need to double check notes. His death wasn't in vain.

It's to show Main AU Damien made the right decision in waiting with handling the organization. I have much more notes about this I will share soon. Main point is Damien in Genki's world: Achieved something big in their world. (Achieved something big but died because he was young + most likely handled everything alone) Main AU Damien: Erased nightstalker powers away in all worlds. (Bigger impact. All the loss experienced up to that point fueled those actions)