"Ayame" Payton



1 month, 22 hours ago

Basic Info

Name: Ayame Nishimoto

Name is not used anymore. She has this name before she flees nightstalker organization

Name: ???

Changed to X name after she flees the nightstalker organization. Rejecting her family and choosing who she wants to be.

First Name: Payton Last name:????

Changed to Payton and another last name after Safe Haven Collapse


Genki's mother

New name: Payton? (I think I lean on Payton being genki's sister? So I can keep the backstory in merman au about the kids being named after people that meant something to them. Although its possible that Genki's family is allive in merman au? It seems to fit most that Genki's mother name that she tok after safe haven collapsed is Payton? Nice referance that Haruna betrayed her family, because of her love for payton and others. Former first and Last name: Nishimoto (Doesn't use the Nishimoto name or her birth name, to reject the nightstalkers and her family) Notes about her in the tab to Genki's dad https://toyhou.se/27186664.tbn

Additional notes:

-Groomed to be deity haruna's vessel - Might be a queen nightstalker (Might have been turned into a queen by force by safe haven and the nightstalkers/Nishimoto OR Made into a queen through arranged marriage. She might have fled before the wedding started (The ceremony most likely started with ceremony turning her into a queen. She might have fled before being turned into a queen. Although it would bring massive humiliation if she became a queen nightstalker and then fled. -------------------------------- I think i might lean on she fled before being turned into a queen? then again. if genki and his siblings are offspring of a nightstalker queen. The kids are even more valuable. Although Genki's siblings could have been made in safe haven.

I do also think it could be interesting if genki is the son of a queen. So either she was turned into a queen and fled. or they captured her and her husband early. and made genki and his siblings in safe haven. ------------------ it might be interesting topic that she was turned into a queen against her will (i think she didn't want to be a queen. so if she turned it was because the escape plan wasn't ready yet or she used the powers to help get others to escape. then you have haruna that family tried to force into fusing wiht deity haruna. and then you have harunas aunt, forced into being turned into a queen. ---------------------------------------------