
1 month, 6 days ago


Our antagonist was really malformed, because he was the daughter of a powerful couple (two horned), which gave him a huge inbalance of power and really unstable (plus his kin didn't make it), he was really skittish, a scaredy cat, which caused his magic to be even more unstable. Harming everyone around him with so many accidents, he has been abandoned ( his mother in complete tears ), leaving him in the Underworld.

 He got lucky to make it out alive for a whole year on his own, but found out new flocks called herds ; a cousin race to his kind, the Novuterrenus. But still TERRIFIED, he didn't let anyone approach him, until one of the many monsters that live there attacked a herd. Not even as an act of bravery, just caught in the attack, he destroyed the monster, and got highly praised for it. They wanted to reward him. As he discovered at this moment, all this power, shouldn't be a fear to himself, but others fear HIM. So he asked to be made Leader. A Leader in this whole specie is made like so ; all the flock give out a bit of their magic to one individual unconsciously, making it stronger in order to lead, it's a huge mark of trust. It gives the three tailed trait, and a longer lifetime.

 They were really hesitant, plus they already had a Leader. Impulsively, he went to the Leader and demanded all his magic. Obviously he refused and, completely led by his emotions, El killed the Leader in a blast. The herd was mortified. He turned toward them and, as fast as he became a hero, he became a monster. He used his magic not only to blast out energy, but drain others' (like a vacuum). Since then, he's been hungry for more and more power, to become invincible and the fear of everyone, to never fear again. (still to this day, he is very emotional and scared)

The more he get magic, the more difformed he is, horns growing out of him, wings morphing to existence.