


29 days, 4 hours ago


Becuse of her mixed blood, Levy is not affected by the sun, can eat regular food for energy, and can retract her horns.
diet is comprised of 70% regular food, 25% blood, and 5% sexual energy.

Hated being a succubus growing up but is slowly trying to embrace that side of themselves

in my headworld succubus and vampires are combined / the same thing. They feed off of blood and sexual energy. Some prefer one over the other but they need BOTH in some capacity to survive.

The sun doesnt affect them in any visable way but it can feel slightly uncomfortable if out of practice and possibly even cause itchiness.

Succubi always have horns and carnivorous teeth and fangs which secrete an aphrodisiac poison. It typically dissapates after a few hours but compatible prey can feel the effects for up to 6 hours with a single bite.
Some succubi also consume their prey, it is not a necessity and thus the philosophy behind it is controversial within the species.

Another key trait of succubi are their red eyes and/or red markings around the eyes. It's said they appear because of the consumption of blood but in reality there's no known reason or purpose, it just happens. of course, not everyone with red eyes / red eye markings is a succubi, but when paired with the horns there's no mistaking it.