
A monster that comes from a long line of monsters that the humans consider to be the Jersey Devil
Its great grandfather was the original Jersey Devil but the family has continued the tradition for generations

Dating: Johnny Worthington III and Claire Wheeler (married polycule) | Rosie Levin, Duncan Pepperidge Anderson, Roger Rogers, and Carla "Killer Claws" Benitez (AU separate from the Johnny and Claire Polycule I guess?? Who knows, it don't matter none'a this matters)
Friends With: Bethel E. Poffet (belonging to PazzyPanda on twitter!), Val Little, Roze

Personality-wise it's quiet and has anxiety issues stemming from being tasked with continuing its family's legacy as the jersey devil
Pretty friendly but if you want to be friends with it you'll more often than not have to be the one to initiate
Keeps to itself but it'll have a conversation with anyone that tries to talk to it

Nicknamed Gary The Ghoulish once it becomes a professional scarer
Is more of a quiet scarer, hangs around the corner of whoever its scaring's vision/in the shadows before approaching and scaring them with the element of surprise
Has a decent enough roar for when that sort of thing is needed though
Eventually moves on to becoming a jokester at Monsters Inc when they switch to laugh power

Fan of Vincent Van Gross and Keith Scaring's art
BIG fan of football and played as a running back for Monsters University during its college days
Drinks a lot of Drooler Cooler (Mostly Original Flavor but wouldn't turn down a Dr. Ooler Cooler if you offered)

I'll fill out the rest of its lore in a bit goodbye