


4 months, 15 days ago


Prince of the Feywilds
Name Lentri
Age ≈300, Mentally 20ish
Pronouns She/They/He
Race Tiefling/Owlin
Role Circle of Dreams Druid
Sexuality Lesbian

exploring other people's dreams

open skies


reflections in water

kids and babies

dealing with his problems

doing nothing

being told what to do

"Do you remember the day you were born?"

Lentri is a DnD character for a friend’s homebrew sea themed campaign. Due to a haywire spell by an inexperienced wizard, Lentri became stuck as a fucked up astral projection, doomed to wander the astral plane. They forgot everything about who he was, until an archfey known as Verenestra pulled them into the feywilds and tricked him into thinking she was her biological daughter. They then spent their time in the feywilds as a fey, guarding the Pool of Eternal Dreams (that no one every visited) per his “mother’s” request. However, after witnessing a beautiful sea creature while wandering through the dreams of others, he became infatuated with her and ran away from the feywilds. Now, they travel with an odd band of misfits on the sea, hoping to find the girl of his dreams (literally)

  • She has a very mischievous personality, and rarely takes things seriously (or do they? It can be hard to tell sometimes.
  • Lentri is the name given to him by the archfey that kidnapped her. Their original name has been lost to time.

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