Ezekiel's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

outl4w Global Rules


These are simply points I prefer to not be broken. If you do, you'll get a warning. Do it again and i'll block/blacklist you. Of course, if you have any questions regarding a point or anything, you can ask.

• Do not change the skin color, features that come w specific skin color or gender. I don't mind any other changes but I prefer if redesigns aren't uploaded as a seperate character.

• If you private a design of mine please let me know beforehand. You can also authorize me or make one of those access keys but it's not a must.

• Do not sell/trade any of my ocs off-site. I don't think I need to explain it further.

• Do not sell any of my designs for more than they're worth. Incase there is an emergency and you need the extra money, feel free to ask me wether it's okay in this case or not. Recieving a design from me through trade/art will reset the worth to 0. From there on owed/commissioned and personal art will add worth to it. Gift or ArtFight art does NOT count.

• If the design is from a cs or half human half something else and you want to void them from whatever they are, you can. Just let me or the cs know (because of the masterlist).

This should be all though, it might be updated from time to time. By owning a design of mine, you instantly agree to my T.O.S.