


1 month, 3 days ago


-->An alien mote drifted down from space, got sucked through a vent into a peeps factory, and entered a limited edition marshmallow candy peep. The puffy sugary vessel immediately expanded into a plump larger humanoid form while still on the production line.

-->The alien being with its new vessel hopped off the production line in front of a human factory manager. Of course security was called and the creature panicked, bolting toward the outside world. 

-->They received some grievous injuries from security, who were freaked out by one of their products growing and gaining sentience. 


-->The poor sugary dude had to break into some candy stores at night to replenish its damaged body using sugary snacks as assimilation material.


Lil facts:

-Flurrie gets dirty while hiding around, so they constantly shed an outer layer of their marshmallow body for a new clean one. Though this does mean they need more candy to replenish the lost mass.

-The alien mote is Flurrie themself, and also acts as their core. Nerve and thin 'muscle' tendrils extend out of the core in order for Flurrie to move their limbs. However, this is very inefficient so they are not strong or fast. However, their body is resistant to blunt and melee damage (cause they are suuper spongy!).