what would the price range be that ur looking for for that sphynx? :D such a lovely design as usual!

I’m unsure price wise- I’ll have to check my folders for the full pic! I might be using them after all! Id be more down for trades for this one too, actually!

hey that’s pretty epic too! i love it when those sketches slowly capture your heart <3 i do have a few designs in my sale and trade folders but im not sure if they’re necessarily your cup of tea but feel free to check it out anyways!!  i appreciate the response in general tbh!

I didnt see anyone, but if I find the file and decide to sell them I’ll ping you!

i appreciate ur time in the first place!! if you do use them i can’t wait to see! :D

Oooo do you happen to have https://toyhou.se/27201792.character-designs-ota#83138834 as a transparent lineart file? Or if not, If you comfortable with me using this and finishing the drawing I would be open to trading them for https://toyhou.se/26907333.20#80964016 since you were previously interested in them! 

you could totally draw over it if you’d like! I can check for the transparent file but it mightve just been exported immediately upon sketching em! I’d love to trade ^^

Sounds perfect! I sent over a request, if you’re able to find a transparent or the project file I’d love to get it! 🥹💕 are you fine if I add it to a preexisting character with credit for base? I wanted to make an alt form 💕

I give full permission for edits/meshing with other designs ^^

Ok perfect! Just send me a dm if you can or can’t find it! 🥰💕

lemme know when youve downloaded the image in this gallery so i can remove it! ^^

1 Replies

How much would you be looking for on this guy?


And another question. Are you okay with potential commercial use? Although not in the close future, this is more of an if/when than anything for any future projects of mine! If you aren't comfortable with that, that is totally okay!!

(Also as a note, I wouldn't be using them as a duskky!)

You’re free to use em however you see fit!!

As for a price, I’d say anything above $25 if that’s okay : D since he’s a simple design ^^

Awesome, and yeah, that's cool with me!! I can send when you're ready!

my paypal is [email protected]!! Once you’ve sent you can upload him to your toyhouse ^^


Also it's not an issue at all!

ALSO just a little note since I put a caption on it- this is an older design of a drawing I currently have (https://toyhou.se/25285600.listener) so it does have a similar pose- I hope that’s not an issue!

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I didn’t really see anyone else I’m sorry ;u;;

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Heyo! What’s your thoughts on this fella?


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They’re yours then! Feel free to save the file ^u^