Ela Hawke



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Ela Hawke


25+ ????

Gender, species

Female Human


Dragon Age


CW: slight mention of self-harm.

Your local blood lesbian on the way to save this goddamn city and everyone inside it I guess.

As an extrovert, she has an easy time meeting and getting along with new people. She's sarcastic and loves joking around, and has a bit of a nihilistic view of the world. 

Physical description:
Ela is a tall woman with light skin and a slim figure. Her arms are pretty defined and she likes showing off her chest. Her hair is a light ash blonde with darker roots and her eyebrows are dark and thick. Her eyes, a grayish brown are framed by thick lashes covered in mascara. She usually wears dark eye makeup and lipstick. Her forearms are covered in scars from her use of blood magic and she has the default game-Hawke stripe of blood over her nose.
During Act 1 her hair is short; longer bangs and on the side of her face but shorter on the back of her head. During Act 2 she has grown out her hair, which she just wears in a ponytail. When released it reaches about a little bit further down than her shoulders. In Act 3 her hair is shorter again, with longer bangs but shaved on side of her head.

Father Malcom and younger sister Bethany are diseased. Mother Leandra and younger brother Carver are alive. 

Carver followed Ela to the deep roads and ended up joining the Gray Wardens.

As per [game canon] in Act 3; Leandra dies at the hands of the serial killer blood mage. Ela wasn't super close to her but still mourned her as her daughter.

Significant other: 

[Basically game canon] They lived in Lothering until the Blight came and they all had to flee to Kirkwall. Ela and Bethany were both taught magic by their father until he passed away. Due to his efforts of not making them afraid of their powers, Ela is very casual and non-careful about her magic even long after his passing. As a child, she met an ownerless mabari which she then kept and named Ovar. After that, she brings him with her almost everywhere. 

Ongoing story:
[Basically game canon]
She gets along very well with Varric, Isabella, and Fenris (despite his dislike for mages). Despite her and Carvers sibling-rivalry, she does her absolute best to get closer to him after their sister dies.
It wasn't right away that she started doing blood magic but rather after she'd been in Kirkwall for a while. While she doesn't openly voice her opinions on it (that it's just another form of magic of you know what you're doing) while there are people around who won't understand, she doesn't hide the fact that she does it when fighting.

During the MotA DLC Ela gets pretty close to Tallis, their personalities fitting together quite well, but ends up leaving her behind because of difference in views (and the fact that she's in a "relationship" with Isabela already).

+ hanging out and meeting new people.
+ drinking and playing card games.
+ winning in any way (games, fighting, conversations etc.)
- unnecessary killing.

+ very good at misleading or convincing other people
+ skilled mage
- has a hard time being serious
- lets her guard down when she doesn't expect a fight. This can lead to her easily getting ambushed. 

* Mage supporter
* Her magic mostly consists of Arcane and Spirit spells. She specializes in Blood magic. 

* (face claim is Kat Dennings ??????)