Sayaka Tomoe



1 month, 11 days ago


"Now how did you even manage to do that to yourself?"

Sayaka Tomoe
27 years
Trans Female (she/her)
5'3" (160 cm)
Soul Affiliation
House of Lyrical Enchantment
God Bond
Seongjin, The Master of Insight
Balding City, Bion

ailing from Balding City, Sayaka Tomoe is known as one of the most skilled nurses across the region of Bion. The amount of medical knowledge stored in her mind seems almost infinite; if there’s something wrong with you, Sayaka is definitely the one who can fix it.

In recent years, Sayaka’s speciality has been her focus on helping those who have been afflicted with the mark of The Forlorn. While her research into finding a cure hasn’t led her to permanent results yet, after spending so much time with patients who are marked, she’s at least managed to find ways to deal with them the best she can for the time being.


  • Peaches
  • Sweet lattes
  • Rare flowers
  • Honey


  • Cilantro
  • Bitter drinks
  • Swimming
  • Distractions


Orientation: Bisexual

Zodiac: Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius, 1st asc in Sagittarius

Theme song: Meg & Dia - Strawberry Waltz

  • Her prosthetic was engineered specifically for her by Zachariah Tesla. While there is some feeling in the arm, she's unable to feel pain in it.
  • Hates the water; not only can she not swim, but getting her wings submurged is very uncomfortable and even painful for her.
  • While most of her magic is healing based, she's also quite proficient in enchantment magic.

I. Personality


hen first meeting Sayaka she comes across very pleasant, very casual and very easy to speak to. These are all traits that are tried and true to her character; while she’s very good with people and in fact quite likes them, she does not typically show the full range of her depth upon first meetings. Sayaka has a very sharp, analytical mind, and is very good at casting snap judgments on people even during their first encounters. It’s as if her mind is always racing a thousand miles a minute, constantly studying the people and environments around her, combing through even the most innocent of small talk for any interesting information. While Sayaka can definitely be described as very friendly and having a calming presence, she will admittedly see others as sources of information before she sees them as friends.

Amazingly, Sayaka seems to have the patience of an absolute saint. It seems almost impossible to get under her skin, and she allows most things to roll off her back like water. If you were to look into this further, though, you would notice that Sayaka tends to not show… almost any range of emotions in front of others, really. Due to the nature of her job, Sayaka is very used to the one being the pillar for others, and while she’s happy to play this part, she plays it a little too well. She seems to be always “on”, always easy to approach and kind, and doesn’t allow herself to feel a wide range emotions when others are around. Of course, this isn’t particularly healthy, but she’ll always say not to worry, as that’s her job.

II. History


urprisingly, despite having so much class as an adult, Sayaka grew up as quite the troubled kid. Born into a turbulent, low-income household, Sayaka was barely raised by two parents who always seemed too busy with their own vices to actually pay attention to their daughter. As she grew up and found that acting out for attention wouldn’t work and rather just gotten her punished, she started looking to outside means to get her needs met. She would start sneaking out of the house to steal things her parents couldn’t or wouldn’t buy her; mostly petty things such as fancy food, makeup and other clothes, but as she fell deeper in to this habit, she would meet a group that would change her life forever. When Sayaka was caught, it wasn’t by any authority, but rather a group of equally as troubled kids, all around her age. Kids that were neglected by their parents, who had no parents or other guidance in their life, they banded together and became their own company. They were truly a no good crowd, but Sayaka had fit in perfectly with them.

Time went on and her misadventures with her new group had only gotten worse and worse. Petty crime of small trinkets turned into stealing alcohol, underaged drinking and even worse, eventually stealing vehicles. While Sayaka herself would never be the one partaking in the theft, she would always be drinking the stolen drinks and going along for the ride. This went on for quite some time until the night of the accident; eventually, Sayaka had found herself dating one of the girls in the group, and the two had decided they wanted to drive to Damia for a night together. After grabbing some drinks and hot-wiring a car, the two were both completely intoxicated while the drive began and, unfortunately, tragedy struck. A devastating accident that costed not only the driver her life, but Sayaka her right arm. After a lot of recovery and therapy from what happened, something in Sayaka snapped, and she knew she couldn’t lead the rest of her life like this.

After what had happened to her, Sayaka was quickly able to turn her life around and, as she got even older, decided to study nursing, as a way to try and help people rather than keep doing harm. And, in a stroke of luck, she took to it like a duck to water; it was as if she had a natural gift for healing and medicine, and it was something she found quite fulfilling too. She graduated nursing school with flying colors, and began working in a very prestigious facility. Over time, the focus of her work would slowly shift to patients who found themselves marked, leading her to develop a passion to try and fix things for good.

IV. Relationships

Bonnie ChestvennikovPartner


Perhaps the biggest reason why Sayaka is so happy she was able to have a moment of clarity to change her life around is Bonnie. The two met working at the same facility, immediately hitting it off and spending many late nights simply chatting and enjoying each others company. Sayaka feels more comfortable with Bonnie than with anyone else in her life and she's eternally grateful for her.

Zachariah TeslaBion's smart weirdo


A friend of Sayaka's that she finds extremely entertaining. Despite many thinking he's very strange, Sayaka has never once doubted his brilliance, and actually enjoys being able to pick his mind. She... also may enjoy studying him a bit because she thinks he's so fascinating... but that's neither here nor there.

Fawn KazarianDragon tamer


While the two live in different cities, Sayaka finds Fawn very sweet and considers her a casual friend. She finds it very funny how easily Fawn is to fluster, especially as this is the same girl who works with such large creatures.

Jacqueline Beaufoy???


Relationship currently unavailable.