


5 years, 8 months ago


name: kat

species: cat

height: 5'1

weight: 70 pounds 

age: 17


A very popular idol, but encountered quite a number of difficulties. She's a third year in high school. Kat doesn't do well at school and is always scolded by her teacher due to it. Shes a very bubbly teen and is popular due to it, she loves talking to people but can get easy frustrated and has a very short temper. she can be every quiet at times and act smug around others. She also tends to scream or froth at the mouth when she panics. She seems to really enjoy panicking when there is no real danger, like when she's watching horror movies or going into the haunted house. kat adores cute girls, and she's often seen admiring the other girls during the game. She can act flirty towards both boys and girls, though she often appears to be just joking. Despite her general quirkiness, kat can be a startlingly wise and contemplative person,Though she may appear a bit insensitive at times, she is actually a very caring friend

likes: fashion, cute girls, games and action
dislikes:  "dull" things, reading, studying

other stuff:

- she wears cute fashionable clothing 

-her ears have white heart shapes at the back 

-her colours can change due to the seasons 

-hair can be either pink or blonde