


28 days, 7 hours ago


specie : dog/mole

age : 19

height/weight : 173cm, 70kg

male (yes, despite his name), pansexual


-His parents are rich, and he leeches off them

•His ancestors were actually nobles, making him feel like he deserves a life of privileges without having to work for it

-Carries himself with pizzazz, looking down on those he considers beneath him

•Often makes snide remarks about "plebeians" and believes he is entitled to special treatment because of his status and wealth

-Shows off his fortune by spending it on luxurious items, fine art and other lavish activities

-He is obsessed with maintaining clean surroundings

•Will become irritable when things are not neat and tidy according to his standards

-He expects others to cater to his needs and desires without question

•Tends to get frustrated easily when people don't follow his instructions or rules, and often resorts to throwing tantrums and threatening others to get his way

-He's not intentionally cruel, but he lacks empathy for those outside his immediate circle 

•Prioritizes his own wants and needs above all else, and has a tendency to disregard the feelings of others

-Has a soft spot for animals, particularly his cat Caprice, which he spoils all the time


-Enjoys activities associated with high society, such as horse riding, attending classical music concerts and ballet performances

-He's also quite skilled at the piano and the harp, and has a penchant for gossiping 

-Has a strong sweet tooth for cakes and desserts, often ordering more than he can eat

-Hates getting dirty and encountering bugs (especially spiders)


-He's visually impaired, and needs thick glasses to see correctly

•However, he doesn't like wearing them, so he has contacts most of the time