TH Purge's Comments

i can offer a chibi colored sketch for ??

Yeye:] I accept!!

Yay! Thank you!! <33

Who would you like me to draw ? ^^

Would any of them be okay? Lmk if you'd be more comfortable drawing someone else tho!!

yep !! i can prob do the first one !! ill get started rn <33 tysm ><

Here you go !!
hope that is okay <33

Omg!!! Yeah, this is adorable!! Tysm 

I'll transfer the character rn!

1 Replies
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I liked this bbs, may do Nia or Belle :9

Im specially fond of Florencia

I could also accept art, I really like ur icons !!

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Could do Florencia for Belle but would you let me think it for Nia a little bit??:o

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i really adore Riri, Cece and Mime

i have characters for trade/sale/offer here

i also have characters for EO here,off%20limits,ufo

Didnt see anyone Id use, sorry:(

no worries, thank you for looking o/

Would someone in my th catch your eye for these beans? I’m tent on the won’t and hard tag, but feel free to ask!! I can also offer art :D

I rlly like this baby

I could do Chem if not, i could accept art too!!:0

Ah sadly I definitely couldn’t do Chem for him, but I could do art!! :0 how much are you thinking?

How much would you be willing to offer?:0 

I could possibly do a half or a shaded bust!!

I accept!!:o

7 Replies

can i offer a couple of these for ganyu? [also, i noticed that this design was in the freebies folder, would love to get my hands on them too if thats okay ^^"]
thank you for the consideration!

Hi! Yeah to both 

do you have anyone in particular you want drawn? :]

yeah seems good!! ty!

I didn't see anyone I would use, sorry:(

Might someone on fest catch your eye for this one? :)

I liked but may I think about it for a bit?:3

sure!! I'm pretty sure I can trade him since I haven't heard back from the person he was pending to + their account got closed, so just lmk when you come to a decision! 

Hello!! I adore your baby but I think I'll keep Riri a little more for now, sorry!

Nene puedo ofrecer artesito por Navier, Atlas y Uriel 👉🏼👈🏼 o TMB trade, la única carpeta off limits serian my desing y pendientes

Ayy de verdad m gustaría recuperar a este nene de aki, quizá daría a Uriel pero me dejas pensarlo un pokito?

Hi!! Would u take art for this cutie

Yeah! how much would you be offering and what kind:0?

I can offer icons or chibis!!! :3 Would 3 icons and 1 chibi work? ^_^

Holii, vengo a ofrecer artesito si es que se puede 👉🏻👈🏻 por ellos <3 💕 o tambien puedo intentar ofrecer trade ^^

Aqui ejemplos de mi arte:

Para trade mis off son todos mis conejitos de cualquier artista, nenit@s de saku y woshie ^^ tmb cloudi es off :"3 fuera de eso puedes preguntarme 👉🏻👈🏻🫂

Y vi esta nenita en una carpeta freebie pero no se si se pueda reclamar :'3 perdona si me equivoco🥺 solo queria preguntar es que es linda :"3 👉🏻👈🏻

M gustaron ellos!! 

He tenido mis ojitos en el primero especialmente

Y sip! En un momento te paso a Camila 

Omg puedo dar a urelio :"0 pero por quien seria? :"3 👉🏻👈🏻💕 es que me imteresa  mucho froggie pero entiendo si no se puede :"3 

Podría dar a Shun! Froggie y Jess son bastante nuevitos y me gustaría darles un poco más de uso pipi

Oww entiendo no te preocupes es que los que más me llamaban la atención justo eran ellos qwq además de que mi nenito tiene más arte que shun snif qwq muchas gracias por revisar mi th igual :”3 si más adelante llegas a darlos no dudes en decirme :”3 trataré de darle igual artesito a Aurelio n.n 💕

hihi!! does anyone here catch your eye? i'm still looking around, but at the v least, jasper is lovely!!

I liked this bby but I dont know if I would give jasper for em,,

that's totally fair!! looking around more, i also absolutely love beelum!

I wouldn't give him for em either, sorry!

no worries, thanks for looking at least! if u ever feel like offering anything for milo, i'm happy to discuss if it means getting my EO characters new purpose!

I adore


Maybe a trade? Not sure what you’d be looking for for either of them 

Ah you linked the same character twice, was there another character you had liked or was it just the three?

The three of em only, sorry!

Anyone in my th interest you for any of these ocs? (You can ignore folders/tags) Or if you would take art for any I could offer some instead

I like these two,, I could do Ganyu!

see anyone for choi or cillian? ignore folders and stuff ^^

Cillian is on hold and Choi was a gift so I don't think I'll give him any soon, sorry but tysm for your interest!! 

hello! i wanted to know what their worth was? :0 

can offer money or maybe someone in here?

Hi! Theyre pretty new so I don't think I'll give her away rn:(( ty for ur interest tho!!

no worries tysm! ^^

hiii i love these three , ximena , si , cirise . could offer someone from my th [zheojk7 designs + maeze offlimits]

- or i can offer art 

Hihi, I liked these bbs, could do Si or Cirise for any of em!!

hhnn, so poke is currently pending, and id have to think b4 getting rid of jesse or talia, could i possibly do art??? 

How much would you be willing to offer for each character?:o

well, assuming i dont burn myself out further , i could offer a full , 2 half , and an a bust? im sorry if thats not enough hvfdjnbv 

I'll think abt it!!:0

I loved Them (both but EESPECIALLY the right)

I could do anyone in Here or specifically This guy

!!! Yeah I could do them both 

Either for the guy ur offering or any of these, I rly like custum tho

Aquarium is pending so yeah, custum works. I get confused easy, should I send both characters available (tbn and custum) or just one?

Just Custum is oke!! Sending the guys rn