Carpellia 👑



27 days, 21 hours ago


Carpellia, The Salmon's Revenge




Species Leech Monster
Rarity Uncommon Myth
Gender -Jaws theme starts getting louder-
Obtained by Auction
Designer zincuddlefish
Masterlist Number F-2255
Theme Music ♪♫♩♬

Personality and Story

Sketchy Log

Carpellia is an interesting one to be fair. I was fishing down the river near my homestead wth a few of my leechies and next thing you know I see some of my leechies drinking from the river and thats a big no for me. What I didnt see was that they were drinking blood and lots of it. I was worried somehting had died upstream so with bravery I took my bigger leechies with me in case whatever was up there bleeding was still alive thus we could do transport.

Soon I saw what was the cause of the blood downstream. A gigantic saltie bleeding everywhere like they were fighting something. It was still breathing and they wre hostile at first before they slipped some, groaning in pain. It took a bit to heft them onto the leech sled as well as avoiding them biting me but after contacting a good leech vet who specialized in salties, I was hopeful Carpellia would make a full recovery and she did! Now she wont leave my side, even when she's not allowed inside xD.

She not only loves being beside me but she also makes sure no people fish on my property! oddly enough for a saltie she avoids eating Salmon and I have to sneak salmon when I wanna eat sushi =3=;

Carpellia's POV


Ruining my friends...BITE

devouring...different taste...texture...more blood needs to be spilled

my friends...i will avenge you...

...where am I? why am I the one spilling blood...? new smell...enemy

they helped me...they stayed up all night for me...offered me food by risking her hand...

Must protect new friend. Must make sure no one hurts her.



  • Hunting
  • Her new owner
  • Watching her victims drown
  • smiling


  • Her owner being hurt
  • Overfishing
  • Tresspassers
  • daytime


  • Beetle-Head Horns
  • See-All Eyes
  • Saw Teeth
  • Hump Neck
  • Saltwater Fins
  • Drape Feelers
  • Sensory Pores
  • Sailfin (Potion)
  • Bioluminescence