Resolute Umber Standing Tall



28 days, 2 hours ago


Hello hello!! This character contains spoilers for the game Rain World (like the folder states, if the word "Iterate" means nothing to you, then best to dodge this profile if you don't want Rain World spoilers) although if you decide to purchase this character feel free to unspoiler any lore or images attached to the design!! I just don't want to spoil my followers on this account, as I know a lot of you are here for Pokemon designs--

For everyone else:

Resolute Umber Standing Tall! A once-proud Iterator brought low by the fact that their Can and puppet were made from something that wasn't water resistant. So They get to be named RUST and be all rusty. But that's all up to you ofc whoever decides to adopt

I like to think that their regions would be super steampunk! Like having a bunch of semi functional steam machines going around still because they keep getting rebuilt by like nanomachines or something. Moving platforms. And like steam vents. And I'm really creative no one has ever had these thoughts before, Idk cool glasses. Gears. You know how it is.

The puppet itself is based off of triangles ngl I was just feeling in a rather triangular mood!

Offer: Art, a character trade or DA Points!!