yázì's Comments

hello!! if you ever take offers for this guy I’d love to be pinged ^^

he’s open for offers only lf trades atm

ok! I’d love to offer anyone here (except mains) and i can add art as well!

I’d love to trade him but I am a little tent for him,, does yázì have any other art ^^?

thats fair! yazi doesnt have any extra art atm unfortunately :(

2 Replies


Omg Im OBSESSED!!! I can offer a fullbody custom like this one https://toyhou.se/27190489.aurelia they can be an enderianwing if you’d like or maybe a suncrane Suncrane example! But im good with whatever dragon type! :D

Actually obsessed with these guys I can do 2 fullbodies and a painted halfbody