Cole Seabiscuit



4 months, 13 days ago


Other bio information:

Weight: 175lbs

A new surprise for you all! Meet Cole Seabiscuit! A seahorse who's strong yet gentle as ever. He was born down below the seas after being birthed by his father with a caring mother to boot. They loved their little pink, orange, and white boy so much that they made sure Cole and his other siblings were given the best education as possible! Cole of course went to the underwater city's schooling till wanting to go to college. He had grown into an 8ft and strong seahorse; playing well in sports and making sure to stay in shape. Plus, the seahorse wanted to venture out to see the world above the surface in higher education. Both of his parents gave their blessings to visit the surface. The college he chose was Zootopia University with the city itself becoming a hub for all mammals coming together in harmony. His worldview exploded upon entering this place and the college as he began to make new friends including those of the surface world. Cole went on to study higher education adding on the studies of pregnancy and other health related fields. They also saw the artistry of modeling whilst taking an art class, seeing professors posing for sculptures.

After all the sweat and hard work, Cole graduated with a Doctorate in higher education with the university offering him a position in the health wing to which he gladly accepted. Thinking back to his experience through college, he remembered wanting to become a surrogate in order to be prepared for birthing some of his own one day in the future with a loving partner. In addition, Cole became more enamored with modeling combing the surrogacy as a cute thing to do. Luckily for the the Professor, they found a lovely surrogate company called Preg Inc. specializing in surrogacy. They even put out an offer to have him do model shoots for them too! What really sold him was the fact meeting the 6'3'' wolf Belle Iclyn hauling a huge load of surrogate babies before them while entering the facility! The two hit it off so well they became fast close friends!

Now Cole was happy to be helping out parents who couldn't birth children, modeling his lovely body be it pregnant or not, and educating students about health of pregnancy and other factors. What was missing for them was a loving partner. One day, whilst taking his first appointment into the lovely spa of "Nazara's Harmonious Spa & Belly Dancing Club" that Belle told him about his masseuse entered in being a large male 9ft purple and fluffy fat feline taur dressed in a outfit made for their form. Cole's first reaction seeing this massive lad was the feelings of intimidation yet a bit of heart beating. In his mind, the seahorse had an interest in both men & women whilst going through college; but now this big guy was really so handsome! The big purple feline introduced himself as Caleb helping the foot smaller Cole to relax and take a load off whilst they massaged his strong pink body.

As each appointment came and went, the seahorse asked Caleb on a date which the happily agreed to. They went out to eat and to the movies where afterwards, both fell into a deep love that became so dear. Caleb saw in Cole a lovely strong and yet gentleness in his heart! Cole saw Caleb as a big hearty but loving guy who could protect him as much as he could do himself. The seahorse explained his positions and what he did making the big feline love them even more. And so, the duo decided to become lovers; facing the journey of love together.

Where does this lead to Patrick meeting him? For that, Belle Iclyn later on took Patrick on a fun friend date with a couple of their other pals. She invited Cole to their get together at her home. Upon seeing the smaller wolf, the pink seahorse couldn't help but pick up them up in a giant hug of cuteness. Patrick's other friends including Belle dawwed and giggled at this notion seeing that in this instance since Cole was surrogating, they were holding the wolf like a child. Poor Patrick just blushed at this but happily hugged them back. Moreover, the sea horse told the wolf he couldn't wait to show him to his boyfriend. Of course that is another story coming very soon!

Other bits of information about Cole:

*Cole is bisexual with loving both men and women just as much as he likes.~

*The seahorse's litter carrying varies; so he can get big as Belle Iclyn!~

*Cole was told about the fun of berry inflation by Patrick and all his friends which he's grown to love.

*He loves to model and show off his surrogate pregnant body.

*As Professor, he even uses his own surrogacy to teach about pregnancy and also about seahorse pregnancy to his students. He assures that any of them with permission can rub it.

*His colors are like sherbert ice cream flavors!

*He loves to work out which is way he maintains shape whilst surrogating.