Meriweather Booker



5 years, 9 months ago


Meriweather Booker turtle


Name Meriweather Booker
Age 37
Species human
Personality burn out
Occupation professional photographer / photojournalist
Universe Art-Rental (modern)


Hobby overworking
Fear emotional connections, loss
Preferences none
Sleep Habits erratic
Status semi-smexual tension with roommate


Height tall
Build lanky and as of late faintly malnourished
Eyes dark
Skin fair, somewhat tanned
Hair dark russet
Characteristics glasses

Design Notes

  • His hair color is, officially, a dark russet, but it can be stylized as more ginger or darker.
  • Stubble is the default, but can be clean-shaven or with a short beard/longer stubble.
  • Rarely seen without camera, usually wears dress shirts.
  • Would be attractive, in that "oh no the new teacher is hot" way, if he only didn't look so tired.


  • Doesn't seem capable of ever saying "no," especially to requests from others or when being asked for favors.
  • Had a cat named Seymour dumped on him by a friend, so he takes care of the animal now.
  • Successful and fairly well off in his career choice (recently offered a position as gallery manager by Augustine, an old childhood friend), but most of it goes towards supporting his siblings, Cooper's family and Reuben.

Childhood & Later Life

Due to his dysfunctional family environment, Meriweather took on a "parent" role and all related responsibilities at a young age.

He befriended Benjamin [and later Benjamin's girlfriend Claire] in high school: developing a social circle and [for the first time] his own interests. Together, they studied and then began working. He was, in every practical sense, healthy and happy. However, after Claire and Ben's deaths, Meriweather relapsed deep into his long-time problems and distanced himself emotionally.


Louis and Margaret Booker never gave their children any of the care and love they needed.

Nowadays the two have almost quieted, as if the years and loneliness waned away their anger, leaving shriveled and silent husks. His father is mostly unemployed, though he tries to take on odd jobs, while Margaret works at the local library.


Meriweather is the oldest of three children; himself, Cooper, and the youngest, Blanchefleur.

Irresponsible and undependable, Cooper quickly became a black sheep: causing trouble and playing hooky throughout his youth. Upon reaching adulthood [much to everyone's horror] he immediately found himself a wife: Timothy "Tipsy" Ashfield, a sweet and bubbly young woman. They have three children: a girl (Susanna), two boys (Benjamin and Samuel) and another on the way.

Thier childhood left Blanchefleur a "child in the mist:" she became quiet and soon completely shut within herself. Now an adult, she remains very much lost to the world, and basically a child in her dependence on Meriweather. Upon coming back and seeing her state, he's looked into getting her proper therapy.


  • Photography and working with related equipment
  • Old school style and classic ways of doing things
  • Managing: making reservations, planning and such
  • Tropical places


  • Emotionally open conversations
  • Volatile drunks or loud behavior


  • Loss


Sheridan Blaine

[ roommate... ]

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Benjamin Little

[ best friend ]

Meriweather and Benjamin knew each other since they were kids. They became best friends around high school and afterwards worked together.

After the accident which took Benjamin and his wife's life, Meriweather was left with guilt and his natural workaholism worsened. They left their son to him in their will.

Claire Bishop

[ best friend ]

Meriweather met Claire in high school, when she began going out with Benjamin, and all three of them got along great. Afterwards they all began working together.

Benjamin and Claire left their son to Meriweather in their will.

Reuben Bishop

[ adopted son ]

Benjamin and Claire left their son to Merriweather in their will. Even though they got along well before Ben and Claire's deaths, nowadays Meriweather has distanced himself emotionally from the boy, leaving him in the care of Katrina.

Katrina Adams

[ friend and Reuben's caregiver ]

Benjamin and Claire left their son to Meriweather in their will, however, due to Meriweather's lifestyle not being compatible with caring for a child, Katrina agreed to care for Reuben while Meriweather supports them both financially. They knew each other before, due to Katrina living in the same neighbourhood and being distantly related to Claire.

They get along well and are genuine friends; Merriweather does his best to make sure Katrina is well-supported, but Katrina also tries her best not to burden him.

Augustine Bai Wen

[ old friend and landlord ]

They met in high school, with Meriweather being in an older class, yet their similar interests led them to establishing a connection; mostly in the intent of future business, but they got along surprisingly well.

It was recently that Augustine contacted Meriweather with an offer to rent him a room, so now he's also Meriweather's landlord.

Art Fight

[ profile link ]
