Rui's Comments

wanted to offer if possible!!!

I have things over here I can offer, the folders are correctly labeled with worths and dividend in humanoids and anthros/ferals:

(Sorry if you received this message before, I'm not a bot, I just use the same message cuz its easier for me)

sadly didnt saw anyone i liked!

Hiii I can offer 35 usd 🤗

I also have some ocs for sale/trade, I can add some if you like any I don't have many but if you like anyone just let me know ^^

i sadly didnt saw anyone but im also gonna prioritize money offers more atm cuz i wanna help a friend out with getting smth he wants! but i will def consider the 35 usd

No prob! And sure, my money offer still stands 🙌✨

hiyaaa just wanted to let you know that i accepted someone elses offer via private dms! tysm for offering tho!

No problem! Thank you for letting me know!

Does anyone here interest you? If not I can offer the $30 :)

i didnt see anyone i liked but i can consider the $30

Okay ty ^^

just wanted to update and let you know that someone just offered 35 in the comments above!

Okay ty for letting me know! :)

I was wondering if you where potentially be interested in art/custom offer? :o

not for this one atm ty tho!

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you have some nice designs but sadly no one i would use 😭

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someone has offered 30 before as well!

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