Luna's Comments

OMG!! they are actually so cute! i would absolutely love to adopt them! the design looks really cool and im so in love with it, i adore sea critter designs! i would use them as apart of this story im working on, its an ocean themed story! i would make them one of the protagonist's friends or if not that a really important side character! i think their design would work really well in the story, sorry for not writing a bunch but thank you so much for the chance to get this guy!! ^^  

OMG this is such a cute design??? 

I think I would call them either Mariah, Jellybean, or Luna

I think they would be from the same home planet that   Blueberry and Pudding pops, tagging alone to come to planet earth! Absolute best friends with pudding pops and they go get lunch frequently 

She is going to college for fashion design and works part time at the same news paper pudding pops works at, and sometimes get to travel to see cool new fashion shows!

also a frequent atBuggy’s and Manager on Duty arcade! She spends coupious amiunt of money on the claw machines

This is just how I would use them ^^

You did such a good job with the design!

Although I'm blanking a lot due to work right now, what I do know is that I'll put this awesome jellyfish into the Narrator Ark where they:

- Were besties with Kaju!

- Went to college with Moray!