
1 month, 2 days ago


Name: Storm

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Height: 5’4” (Gijinka) 1’2” (Feral)

Species: Yamper (Past Paradox Forme)

Team Leader App: Link

Team: Mystic Forces

Position: Recruit

Branch: Rescuers

Team Rank: Gold

Level: 1

Ability: Ball fetch- If the Pokémon is not holding an item, it will fetch the Poké Ball from the first failed throw of the battle.


Howl (egg move)- Raises the attack of the user and ally Pokemon by one stage

Tackle- Deals damage with no additional effects

Tail Whip- Lowers target's defense by one stage

Nature: Bold

Characteristic: Likes to fight


Positive Traits (+)

Headstrong- She will take on anyone no matter their size or strength relative to her. The bigger the challenge the more excited she feels for the victory ahead.

Loyal- Once she pledges herself to your tribe she is in it for life. Her word is her bond therefore she rarely makes alliances or promises she intends on breaking.

Strong- Due to her heritage and training she is quite a strong individual in both mind and body. She has pushed herself to the limit time and time again, breaking her body and soul to find what she defines as “true strength”.

Neutral Traits (=)

Fearless- Storm embraces trials of strength, danger, and mystery going at them headstrong with nothing held back. Though this may be beneficial in some scenarios it can also lead to her getting hurt. She is willing to fight for and succeed in tasks that would scare others away, making her a prime figure on the battlefield she called home.

Assertive- Storm is known for speaking her mind and sometimes for speaking up for others who tend to get trampled on. Though her assertiveness can lead to her being seen as thoughtless or insensitive of those she is asserting herself over without mercy.

Negative Traits (-)

Rash- Storm jumps into decisions without putting much thought into the decision about the consequences of her actions. What she thinks, she does.

Aggressive- Storm is super protective and aggressive over her love interests and the things that she is invested in. She will fight you.

Jealous- Should she begin to covet something, or possibly someone she will find a way to obtain what she is after.

Island Name & Hometown:

Island Name: Slumbering Mountains

Tribe (Hometown): Static Field (Modern Day)- On the southern side of the Slumbering Mountains, you’ll find a grassy field ravaged by thunderstorms constantly. The entire area is teeming with static electricity. With thunderclouds that could shoot lightning at you at any given moment, this place is definitely treacherous. It's rumored that a Mirage Pokemon that howls with the thunderclaps roams this field.

History: (CW: Death, Poisoning, War, Eviction)

Long ago when the world was ruled by the powers known as Legends three stood out among the rest, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raging Bolt. On a small island these three tribes fought for their land, their families, and their tribe. Each believed in one of these Legends which later became known by these names. Storm was part of the tribe of Raging Bolt, she grew up on the land long before a dungeon appeared on its surface.

Storm was a fierce lass always itching for the next fight, for the next enemy to fall at her feet even from a young age she sought out competition with others in the tribe. She had built herself to become a warrior in the honor of her family. Her parents died at a young age only 6 years after she was born to the battle of the clans. They fell fighting for honor and glory and she wished to do the same. One night they went out to collect clean water from the northern side of the island and never came home. Resources were often warred over between the clans with each wanting to secure a future for their kin. Storm waited up the entire night standing at the edge of their land praying for their safe return. Though it was not to be.

Being an orphan the tribe taught her everything she needed to know about their ways. The tribe's traditions were passed down to her, their skills and training as well. The Raging Bolt clan was known far and wide for the ability to build. They had strong houses fortified with a special clay that was only found on the mountain in which they lived. Though battling tactics were not their strength their wills were strong and the people were built to survive. A strong electric current flowed throughout the land empowering the electric types that had found their home on the Southern side of the island. The others in the tribe looked at her with disdain, for she was not strong like the Electivire, or swift like the Manectric. She was short and frail in comparison with no family or mate to call her own. She learned much of their ways of life from the chief, a surly old man who was dedicated in his ways. He treated her as though she was his own kin and she grew up by his side. Storm often helped to build houses as their tribe grew in size. On long nights she would patrol the land, her blade at the ready to stop anyone who dared step near her people. Even though Storm was rejected by many she was treated with honor as she worked hard to please the people. Often she would go out and seek danger with the other tribes stealing medicine from the Walking Wake tribe of the North for those ailing, or weapons from the West. Often she came back bearing new scars from the day prior, but the pain meant nothing to her if others could live on in her stead.

One day a meeting of the tribes was set to occur, a bizarre storm had been raging around the mountainside destroying the land and what was inside it. Ideologies aside, each sent a representative to the base of the mountain to come to an agreement. Storm volunteered for the position and the next morning set out to meet the others. The meeting spot was a rocky terrain where lava had once flowed and now hardened into solid rock, jagged and uninviting. Soon all three of the representatives were there, before her stood two other women one from the tribe of Walking Wake and the other of Gouging Fire. They introduced themselves as Rayne and Caldera. Each was beautiful in their respective ways, Rayne was slender and graceful, a lot of time had been put into her appearance and clothing. Walking Wake was always known to her for their vanity and it showed in the way she walked up to Storm giving her a small graceful nod of acknowledgement. Caldera was strong as even her eyes radiated the power that the Gouging Fire tribe was known for. She grimaced at Storm and Caldera before speaking. “It is time we discuss what must be done to save our people.” Her voice echoed inside Storm's head for a moment after she spoke. Storm had never actually spoken to one of another tribe despite being at war her entire life. In her mind Storm destroyed them in vicious ways befitting of the pain the clans had caused her, piece by piece. Instead Storm only nodded curtly, her eyes piercing daggers into Rayne as she watched Caldera speak.

“Yes.” she spoke softly, the sound coming out as merely a squeak in comparison to Calderas' bold voice. The trio spoke for a long time, bringing forth ideas on how to deal with the danger that was quickly approaching them and threatened all. A distortion it was called. Storm and Caldera bickered with one another causing tensions to flare between the group. Each pictured themselves as more powerful than the other almost ending in a bloody brawl. It was Rayne that quieted the quarreling between them allowing them to search for a solution to the threat they all faced. The envoy of the Walking Wake tribe brought favors for the two of them, claiming it to be a medicine of long life to solidify the bond between their tribes that they may live well and strong. One was given to each of the girls, Storm blushed as her hand touched Raynes' before retreating a few steps. With that the meeting was concluded until the next season where they would bring supplies for one another as a token of their tribes coming together.

Storm rushed home with news of an alliance forming between the three tribes, in her hand clutched the medicine bottle eager to give it to the chief as a token of her success. Once he drank it though he was soon to fall ill and perish. The tribe was eager to point the finger at Storm saying she had killed him to take the role for her own. Others proclaimed she had been brainwashed by the other tribes and needed to be punished. Only a few believed her words of the Walking Wake tribe claiming its benefits. She was seen as a liar and a traitor and so the tribe came to a decision to cast out Storm for the death of the Chief and siding with the enemy. None seemed to care of her heart which was dedicated to the Chief more than any other. He had raised her and her foolishness ended his life. 

With her heart broken and her home calling her a murderer Storm left with only one thing on her mind. Revenge. Rage and fury broke her as she ran across the land in search of the one that had led her to this fate. The brewing storm of distortion whipped around her pulling at her hair and clothes but she didn't care. Tears streamed down her face as she headed North towards the tribe of Walking Wake. From a distance she spotted a familiar soul, Caldera. Even from a distance she could feel the rage that came off of her as she clutched her spear as though her very soul lie within. Though their quarrel was not with one another, it was with Rayne. Not much further ahead Rayne waited for them ready to finish what she had started. She had realized that anything that disappears within the distortion doesn’t come back, and that was her plan for the two of them. The duo ran at Rayne and between them was a vortex leading to the heart of the storm. Not realizing what it was Storm raced at her getting inches from Raynes face with her blade before being pulled backwards into the vortex of time. She screamed in rage as Rayne laughed until all sound was drowned out by the wind.

When Storm woke up she was in a new place, the air was thicker and the land felt different under her feet. Next to her was Caldera who seemed to be just as perplexed as she was. Their tribes were gone, their homes only a legend in a book as they were now transported thousands of years into the future with only each other as an anchor of their past lives. With nothing to turn to the tribe's envoys put aside their hate and differences in the means of survival. Neither of them knew anything about the world they had found themselves in and with only each other as a guide they stuck together. The two often bickered and Storm found herself contemplating taking Caldera's head from her shoulders often but didn't as she needed her to survive. Whether Storm liked it or not they now needed one another. Each evicted from their homes in a new and strange land the only familiar pain was that of each other's presence.

They lived together for a few months, sticking together in the name of survival as they explored the new world around them. It was nothing like what she had seen before, the world was all new to the duo who soon found themselves in Evothalon. There they parted ways, as Storm found herself walking into homes and finding one filled with paintings of her old life. Along the walls was art of the legends of her tribe mixed with writings she knew that spoke of home. A small lady walked out to greet her introducing herself as Alois who seemed enamored by the stories Storm had to tell. So she joined the small team of Mystic Forces in their quest to help others.

History Summary:

Born long before the GSCF was conceived, Storm was part of a warring clan known as Raging Bolt. Her parents died when she was young which left her as an orphan. The tribe's chief took responsibility over her and taught her the ways of the tribe and their traditions. As a storm raged over the land in which the three tribes lived each sent out a representative to figure out what should be done. A tentative peace was formed between them and Rayne from the Walking Wake tribe gave each a token of goodwill. It was a vile of medicine that she claimed would bring good health to the elders. Though once Storm gave it to the Chief he perished. Being blamed for his death Storm was kicked out of the tribe with the guilt of his death on her shoulders. She sought out revenge and so did the envoy of the Gouging Fire tribe Caldera. The two soon found Rayne but were sucked into a time distortion vortex after trying to confront her and transported into the future. There they remained together for the sake of survival for a few months trying to learn how to live in the new world they found themselves in. After arriving in Ethovalon, Storm joined team Mystic Forces of the GSCF.


Alois (Team Mystic Forces)-

Daemon (Team Mystic Forces)-

Arvin (Team Mystic Forces)-


Bone dagger- A gift for her made by the chief himself as a symbol of strength and her dedication to protecting the tribe. It is now a constant reminder of her past and the ones she lost long ago.


- She believes her life to be “borrowed” from the tribe as they raised her in her parents' stead. The survival of those with meaning in the tribe meant much more to her than her own life

- Only keeps Caldera alive for the sake of surviving

- Does not understand the customs of the modern day and has a hard time understanding them

- Refuses to change her clothing to be more “modern” as it would disrespect her tribe and their traditions

- Just like a regular Yamper she stores electricity at the base of her tail, sometimes she will shock people by touching them with her tail as a warning

Playlist that matches her vibe: