


27 days, 13 hours ago


Warrior | She/Her | Bisexual | 24 Moons

Web’Wolf is always walking around with a cold stare, seeming to have a permanent attitude towards everyone. Especially to those to deserve it. No one really seems to understand why, maybe it’s the harsh expectations from her father? Or how she feels like a black sheep amongst those who should love her.

Things used to be perfect till her younger sisters showed up. Her father wasn’t as harsh, her mother was comforting, and the world didn’t seem so big. But sometimes, she feels like she has to live up to too high of expectations. So often times she just runs off into the forest to clear her mind. Total peace…


Hawk’Dusk - Hates (Father)
“Or maybe you need to get off my back, Hawk’Dusk.”

Cotton’Pelt - Dislikes (Mother)
“I’m fine. Yes! I don’t have an attitude! …Fine!! I can’t believe I’m being treated like I’m a damn kit.”

Little’Paw - Dislikes (Sister)
“Dad will be calling you ‘Smeared Mistake’ in a minute if you don’t Back Off.”

Curly’Paw - Neutral (Sister)
“…You’re doing fine.. Just relax..”

Pale’Buck - Neutral (Friends)
“…Right.. Thanks..”

Leopard’Reach - Neutral (Friends)
“Why should I make an effort, when they don’t even like me.”

Elm’Chest - Neutral (Friends)
“Uhuh.. I’ll deeeefinitely keep a note of that..”