


27 days, 18 hours ago


"give me your name and you will be free, born anew within this kindling flame."

  • fae of the forest who has the power to shapeshift - mainly takes the form of a butterfly for ease of movement
  • whimsical, does whatever they feel like doing. moodswings and boredom galore!!
  • known names: echo, faelynn, gale, emrys, gwendolyn
    • everytime they introduce themselves, they seem to give a different name based on their mood. main one seems to be "echo".
    • their birth name is not known
    • they are still experimenting with a good name. in the meantime, they do not mind being addressed as "your Highness".
  • refers to themselves with royal pronouns (we/us/our) - e.g., "We are hungry. Fetch us a snack from our pantry."
  • whenever someone steps into a ring of mushrooms, they will appear and steal your name (if it's interesting-sounding. people like "Kevin" are ignored.)
  • however, an unfortunate side effect of stealing names is that part of that person's conscience will be absorbed as well. they don't mind this, as they enjoy accumulating wisdom. but this also leads to a LOT more voices in their head. too many chefs...
  • can photosynthesize! :)
  • receives a lot of trans people who want to get rid of their deadname
  • voice claim: serie - frieren: beyond journey's end
  • theme song: girls, dance, staircase