Kader Einer



21 days, 23 hours ago


Kader Einer



19| Nonbinary | They/Them

Once a nobody and now the Story Watcher at Mendex Manor. They have lived a mostly uneventful life and have no plans for the future. Tired of their own life, they wish that something will change. After getting an old childhood friend invites them to the Mendex Manor they eagerly took the chance to visit and became the Story Watcher.

The Story Watcher

The Story Watcher is the person who can alter the canon of the fictional characters. Through the power of the Magical Quill and Book of Canon the Story Watcher is able to jump into the indvidual stories of the fictional characters and change the events of the story. With this power perhaps Kader will be able to save these characters from their cruel fate.



As a child Kader never really had any other interest than consuming anything that had a story. Although while a lonely and quiet child, they had a close friend. Kader and their friend would often make their own characters and stories. Both of them becoming engrossed in their own stories passing many hours talking about how each character's stories would go. This time would be short-lived as their friend would transfer out of their school. Kader and their friend would try to keep in touch through letters, but slowly this friend would fall out of touch becoming a remnant of joyous times from the past.

Current Day

Kader struggles with trying to figure out what to do with their life. Unable to find any interest in doing anything they stay at home consuming the same stories that once brought them joy. Until one day Kader recieved a letter from their old childhood friend. She tells Kader to come to her home, the Mendex Manor. This letter rekindles a bunch of nostalgia memories for Kader, so they end up going hoping to figure out what their friend wants from them.

Kader's Thoughts

"Huh? You want me to talk about myself? What is there to say? I had nothing else to do, so I followed the very suspicious letter here. Why would I go even if there was a good chance something bad could happen? Well I guess I was desperate. I really did want to see her again. Fausta was my best friend even to this day. Though I guess that just means I'm pretty bad at making conections with others huh? Actually speaking of Fausta where is she? She sent the letter so I thought... Oh. She isn't here?"



  • RPGs
  • Reading
  • Quiet and Dark Places
  • Listening to Others
  • Creating Characters


  • Papercuts
  • Loud Noises
  • Strong Scents
  • Large Gatherings
  • Vegetables


  • Kader mainly plays video games for the story, though the gameplay aspect is fun for them too. They're really bad at playing any other video game that isn't an RPG.
  • Kader still works on their own ocs. No they will not show you their ocs.
  • Kader isn't sure why one part of their hair sticks up. It stays up no matter what they do to it.
  • While Kader dresses more androgynously they don't mind dressing masculinely or femininely.
  • Kader still has all the letters his childhood friend sent them.

Other Info

  • Birthday June 6
  • Orientation Aroace
  • Species Human




Design Notes

  • The hat and cape is optional.
  • Kader has an ahoge under their hat.
  • This specific outfit is the Story Watcher uniform.


Fausta Kismet

Childhood Friend

Once were inseperable as kids, but very distant as adults. Although they haven't spoken to Fausta in a while they still consider her to be their best friend. They were sad when Fausta stopped sending letters. Fausta was the only person that indulged in their interests. Kader hopes that one day they will find Fausta and be able to have a proper conversation with her.

Blyde Finch


When Kader first came to Mendex Manor the person they were greeted to was Blyde. Even though it was weird to talk to a person they knew was a fictional character they're learning to get used to it. Blyde showed Kader the ropes of being the Story Watcher and lended Kader the Magical Quill and the Book of Canon. They couldn't be more thankful for Blyde's help.

Pudding Cerie


At first Kader saw Pudding as a random child that existed in the manor walls. Though as time passed and Kader spent more time with the fictional characters they've grown to like Pudding. Despite being a child they appreciate Pudding's insight on things that everyone else seems to ignore.

Eran Euthalia


While everyone was generally friendly with Kader for some reason Eran seemed to dislike them from the start. Kader can feel Eran look at them with a sense of hate? Disgust? Something like that. Eran activley avoids being alone with Kader and anytime they speak Eran sounds on gaurd all the time. Kader isn't really sure what they did.