
1 month, 7 days ago




Isa is very friendly! He talks a lot and likes to listen lots as well, so no moment is quiet with him. She asks lots of questions, even about things she knows the answer for, because she wants to know how others would answer as well. He's very loyal if you give him a crumb of kindness, and by loyal I mean he's very easily attached. Due to being considerably weaker than most of his peers growing up, Isa has internalised that image of herself very strictly and chooses to avoid problems rather than face them head on. However, if problems involve those she cares about, she'll try her best to fix it as soon as she can rather than run from it.


Isa never knew his parents and feels... no particular way about that. He was raised in an orphanage in Gens Aes and always enjoyed the presence of all the other children, though he hardly ever made friends during his childhood. Isa spent a few years doing on and off jobs before leaving Gens Aes [and the rest is history???]

  • Isa uses a more formal language to appear nice and friendly! She may sound overly polite at times, refering to people as sir and ma'am without prompting.
  • In that same fashion, Isa never swears nor uses words that replace swear words such as "dang", "darn", "heck" etc. She also never utilises phrases that sound as if they'll have crude language, even if the phrase doesn't necessarily come with it. These traits of speech aren't rules that he consciously upholds, so there's no room for "accidental swearing" or the like. In fact, she's more likely to keep accidentally using overly formal language after being told it isn't needed, or even told directly not to use it.
  • Isa's favourite drink is sunbean coffee.
  • Unrelated to previous point, Isa has sleep regulation issues. She will fall asleep at inconvenient times and places whilst being unable to sleep in her own room.
  • Isa collects shiny things.
  • Isa's bones are still pretty frail in her human form.
  • Isa lives very self sufficiently! Due to a fear of being left alone one day, she's learned not to depend on people. This translates into doing most things in her own stupid way even when there's far easier ways of doing something.
  • By virtue of being an omnivorous bird, Isa can eat raw meat/roadkill with no issues.
Design Notes
  • Isa's braid is a rattail.
  • Isa's buttons on her work cape are all stolen/grabbed from other things so none of them match one another but they're all suns and moons.
  • He changes necklaces often but he always wears the moon one because it is a protection charm given to him by Void.
  • She can't braid her own hair very well so it looks messy at times, or she may wear it down.
  • I draw her crow form with yellow eyes for the sake of contrast against the black feathers but I haven't decided if she actually changes eye colours when she turns into a crow.
  • Isa has very dangly limbs, she's like 90% leg. Furhtermore, she has pretty wide shoulders that she tries to mask with the cut of her vest being very tight while her sleeves are poofy, hiding the exact figure underneath. She doesn't like to be perceived in any way that would indicate strength, because she doesn't want to disappoint anyone.






Fera human/crow