
Marble Male He/Him Animatronic Swift Fox Nursery Assistant

Ozzy's reserved younger brother, he's happy to help his brother and Sade in the nursery as he dislikes how loud and crowded the main areas get. Marble is pretty sensitive to sound so he prefers to help with nap time and lunch instead of playing with the kids.

He is rather insecure of how his limbs look so different to the other animatronics, but finds comfort in his brother's similarity to him (even though Ozzy's features were not intentional, he simply wasn't finished. Marble was made later on to reflect Ozzy's appearance and make it seem as if he IS finished).

He can sort of stretch his limbs like Ozzy, but not nearly as much. He's not as nimble as him or Sade and therefore doesn't like being around the messy play areas where he's constantly having to squeeze through small tunnels or tripping over toys.

Kids are always pulling on his cape and his crown, and have succeeded in ripping them off him a few times, because of this he's often misplacing them. Since he's mainly in charge of nap time, he actually has this thing where whoever behaves the best gets to use his cape as a blanket, it helps him keep the kids in order and offers whoever has the cape a little extra comfort as it is very soft and cozy + is regularly sprayed with a soothing scent to help kids relax. The scent put on his cape can be changed, although he isn't supposed to he sometimes allows the kids to request certain ones, naturally this has resulted in some funky scent mixtures quite a few times.