Mikami Sakura's Literatures

25 days, 17 hours ago

Mild Violence

content warning for blood, death, and grief I guess?

Yuki throws herself between Tanjiro and shapeshifting demon, intent on taking the blow. Terrified, she turns her head to look behind her and see the form of her younger sister. Mikami Sakura; Who looks as beautiful as the day that she burned in her sister’s arms, for a moment her expression remains unreadable as if clouded by the snow white hair that sits atop her head and frames her delicate face. Yukime freezes. Is she even breathing? She doesn’t care either way. She feels her stomach twist in knots and yet she lowers her sword with a softened gaze. Sakura finally lifts her head and gives Yukime a soft warm inviting smile. Like a child worn down after a long day, Yukime loosens her grip even further and drops her stance completely, her arm swings back and forth as her sword hangs by her side. Sakura’s warm smile only spreads wider and wider, turning from warm to a sickly sweet as the smile threatens to split her face in two. She cackles with clenched teeth and launches forward while