


1 month, 1 day ago


He / It | Eldritch Leopard Seal

Mirny is a hard one to describe. It is a manifestation of arctic insanity, of ocean pollution, the lovecraftian depths of the deep sea. He is a being described in countless ways, a being who passes in and out of existence seemingly at will. From working years on icebreaker ships, whaling ships, and other antarctic expeditions- to suddenly never having existed, being a long dead ghost, or suddenly being replaced by someone else entirely. He can exist whenever and wherever, transversing even time itself. From sailing ghost ships in the 1800s to being found in a distopian nuclear winter future (akin to wolf's rain).

Overall Mirny isn't a malevolent being, but it is still an odd one. He can be buddy buddy with his crewmates, sticking his neck out and saving others from dangerous situations- to suddenly disappearing, with no strings attached. Reality is simply its playground, and he's here to have fun. He is ruthless and cutthroat, but ultimately is a neutral, morally grey being. Unafraid of brutality, but rarely ever expressing it to anything but its prey. 

Penguins are an exception though. It is on sight.

Extra info for those curious:
Themes/inspiration: the fear of the cold, submechanophobia, megalophobia. Pollution, oil and grime. Also Dredge, he shares a lot in common with dredge's themes :]
Likes: Wandering frozen over factory towns, sailing giant freight/icebreaker ships, hunting large prey (whales, halibut, squid etc.), penguin. Penguin is its favorite food. ALSO OIL RIGS AAAAAA
Dislikes: Is never encountered in any warm, sunny places. Its only found in frozen places, and its always foggy when its around...