


1 month, 3 days ago


Gasp!! A creature!!! 

Name: Borealis

Nickname: Alis (pronounced like Alice) or Bori (only her besties are allowed to call them that)

Gender: Yes (Any pronouns, they don't care as long as you are nice to them)

Species: Yes (Inspo taken from: Bunny(ears), Cat(body), Snake(Eyes), Pegasus(Wings), Horns(Goat), Tail(Lion), and the extra tuffs of fur they have are inspired from the silken windhound breed :3) If you ask what they are they simple reply with "Yes" or "I'm Borealis" (or Alis) 

They are quick and skittish, and take a few days to warm up to new people but once you befriend them, Alis couldn't be happier to have you around!! They only speak around those they are truly comfortable with, often resulting in most noises they make being small squeaks and humms.(They have been know to make other odd animal noises, all coming from the animals she's a combination from) They have very sensitive ears, and are often found high up in the trees if a new person is in the area. They prefer to watch from a safe distance before approaching to make sure they are safe. (Instead of Fight or Flight, Alis has Hide or Flight, quite literally if she cannot hide they will fly away as fast as possible)