


27 days, 14 hours ago


Link to DeviantArt

basic information
name: Ambrosia
gender: Filly
age: Unborn
sexuality: Unknown
breed: Paso Fino x Warlander x Shire x Mustang
build: Stocky
physical details
height: 16 hh
coloration: Red Dun
genetics: ee/aa/DDe
markings: Biohazard symbol on hindquarters in black, socks on back legs, leg barring and dorsal stripe
mane: Chestnut
tail: Chestnut
hooves: Front slate, back light gray
eyes: Dark Brown
scars None
physical health: 100% - Cambion
personality depths
traits: Developing.
mental health: 100%

history: When Acacias, her father, stole the Versai Sister, Oleander's (Ava) soul, he made a deal with her. Either Ole (Ava) or one of her female herd members would carry a Cambion foal for him. He would come take the foal when it was weaned, and once it was promised that Ole/the herd member was pregnant, Acacias would give her soul back. Ole (Ava) opted for a herd member carrying a foal for Acacias and Raggedy Ann agreed to do it, leading to Ambrosia's conception.
family bonds
Raggedy Ann: Grullo - Ee/aa/Dd
Acacias: Dun - Ee/Aa/Dd
Grace (half sister, ? x Acacias)
Lissette (half sister, Zela x Acacias)
Ouija (half brother, Artemesia x Acacias)
extended family:
Diego (maternal grandfather)
Judas (uncle, Wintor x Diego)
Urban Decay (uncle, Wintor x Diego)
Wintor (maternal grandmother)
children: None
social ties
herd: Rosemonde
rank: ?

mate: None
interactions: None

stolen by: None

steals made: None

battles won: None

battles lost: None
additional information
actions: DEB587
voice: DE87A3
muse: Medium
playlist: None
Foal reference by illegal-designs (DA)