Shrimpie man's Comments

DONT WORRY I DIDNT FORGET ABOUT THIS!! I just realized the th raffle app is currently down and I was putting off painstakingly entering everyone's names into the raffle but I FINALLY GOT IT DONE!!

That being said, congratulations to our winner, Flygon70 !! :D

did all!! hehe shrimply amazing lol

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This is shrimply beautiful

(This is the only shrimp pun i know sobs)

This design is shrimply amazing


Q: Why did the shrimp refuse to share his food?

A: Because he's shellfish!


Krill pickle 🥒 (idk pls)

OH MY GOD LOVE IT SO FREAKING MUCH, yk i think id krill for this design

They are so frickin cute omg, I love them!!

Im going on a krilling spree!!! (silly)

Why did the shrimp snub his dinner?

Because it was too shrimpy.

It's as shrimple as that

( did everything )

Faved, faved comms, and uh shrimp pun uhh- what is a shrimps favorite activity to krill its rivals

I am one in a krillion

it's quite shrimple you see....

its a crustacean sensation :p

Why did the shrimp refuse to share its treasure? 

Because it was a little shellfish! 🦐🎁

Goodluck everyone! Loving this dragon 😊❤️

their design is so cute its krilling me... haha

Faved both!! but,, mm... shrimp pun... I don't wanna go for the obvious one cause everyone else's doin it too aghhh

shrimple is my favoriteeee 

okay but can they fry rice..

Faved and already subbed also faved the extra!

This is shrimpy the best!

You’re one in a krillion 🫶

I'm not entering since I don't know what I'd do with it but I am favoriting this because the shrimp pun is amazing.

This design is shrimply fantastic :D