Ciaran Cordelia Pendragon



4 months, 12 days ago


Character Name: Ciaran Cordelia (Radio) Pendragon Character Pronouns: She / They Character Age: 26 Character Species | Origin: Valkyrie EnDeerMan Character Alignment: Chaotic Impure From: Nocturne *Patron: Eira Occupation: City Leader - Magic Enforcement/City Resources Backstory: Ciaran appeared in Nocturne without any family or background to her name at around the age of 14, originating from a creature in the darkness. Eira took a likeness to this poor endeerian, and blessed her with the status of a demigod, though Ciaran did not know it at the time. All she knew was to be Starting from absolute rock bottom, Ciaran had to claw and bite for everything she has. Personality: Ciaran believes she deserves everything she has, and everything she wants should be hers to grab. She is incredibly egotistical, and doesn't enjoy having others shine brighter than her. Likes: Herself, Gold, Fashion, fighting. Dislikes: Hard work, getting dirty. Abilities: TBD. Slight sway with people, Flight. Weaknesses: Praise. She will do anything for the sake of her power and her ego.