
Sima - Male

Al is somewhere between cheerful and optimistic. Although he's perky a lot of the time, he's not always that way. He tries to look at the bright side of things...when he feels like it. Sometimes it's not worth it. Sure, he can carry a conversation and make friends, but he's not jumping out of skin to do it. He doesn't care for a lot of action in a small amount of time. Not exactly active, he'd rather just watch others run around and such rather than joining in himself. He can tolerate social interaction for a long time, but eventually it's going to wear him out and he'll need some time to himself before he's ready to come back and talk. He's good with kids and always seems to know just how gentle to be with them, but they do tire him out after a while. More often than not, he has some sort of advice to help others out of their problems, but he'll keep his mouth shut unless specifically asked for help. Even then he may not say anything as he believes, to a certain extent, that people should figure things out themselves and learn from their mistakes. He is a loyal friend, though, and would never hold back if someone truly needed help right then and there. He's more of a target for pranks and such thank likely to do them himself. He hates being scared and doesn't think it's funny in the slightest. He does like telling awful jokes, though (which he thinks are hilarious). Overall, Alastair is pretty laid back and has a welcoming personality.