
28 days, 5 hours ago

Basic Info


Phighting! (Roblox)




Big Bug Net


Thieves' Den


BB, Buggy, Detective












Forensics Investigator




Fortune (Superior), Ban Hammer (Boss)


"This investigation ends now."



Net is a taller-than-average demon with dark grey skin and darker grey hair styled in uneven locs that stop at his shoulders. He has purple eyes and horns, which point out and down and slightly resemble a moth antenna. He can always be seen frowning or grimacing. Instead of a tail, he has a bottom pair of purple moth wings that reach the back of his knees but lacks a top pair. He can flutter his wings. For clothing, he wears a light purple shirt and a cropped royal purple jacket. To compensate for his lack of upper wings, he wears a poncho with a turtleneck that goes over his back and resembles wings. He can envelop the front of his torso with it like a normal poncho. He wears dark purple pants, light purple legwarmers, and shoes that match his shirt.


Net's gear is an oversized bug net. It appears to be unassuming, with a light grey grip, a brown, wooden handle, and a white mesh net. Despite the name, Net never uses it to catch bugs. When not in use, it is about the size of Net's arm and he can discreetly hold it under his poncho. When in use, the net grows in size and can catch almost anything that comes close to the hoop. He uses this ability to gather everything at crime scenes with minimum mess left behind. In a single swipe, it will pick up any bodies, weapons, numbering, and directional devices. Anything that enters the net will shrink in size, usually to that of a small dice, and will stay that way until Net dumps the contents out. If Net is careful, when removing the contents, everything will fall out the same way it was picked up, so Net can relocate the crime scene and all the evidence with him without touching any of it. Net can catch a living being and while they would shrink in size, they will still be able to move and if strong enough, may be able to climb out. He seldom does this as he has no reason to but if he were ever attacked, he wouldn't hesitate to capture his attacker in his net.


Despite the facial expression he always wears, he isn't a mean person. Net is an intelligent man who takes his job seriously, acting as the straight man in his work relationship with Fortune. He works quickly and efficiently, not letting anything distract him. When someone gets too close, he immediately jumps up and coldly tells them to leave the scene and calls for Fortune. Net does his best to get in and out as sticking around for longer than needed at the scene of brutal crimes upsets him. While he always keeps it professional, he still has feelings. He understands death at the hands of others is a common occurrence in the world he lives in but has a strong dislike for senseless murder and selfish acts. Net seems to tolerate Fortune's uncomfortably casual behavior. While he can be seen berating her while at work and seemingly getting annoyed by her, he genuinely cares for her as a friend and understands she uses humor to cope with the dark nature of their job. Outside of work, he can be found alone at bars. He prefers to drink alone but will allow others to sit near him and have light chats. It is possible to see him smiling and laughing, but it is rare and people don't usually approach him due to his negative facial expressions. When he is approached by someone he finds attractive, he gets awkward and quiet.


Fortune - Superior: Fortune is Net's superior and is a detective. They are always assigned to each other as Fortune is excellent at gathering information from witnesses and Net is proficient at investigating crime scenes and putting everything together for Fortune to see. Net is the foil to Fortune's upbeat and casual approach at work. Despite their personality differences, they are more similar than expected and they make a perfect duo. Fortune wants to be friends with Net outside of work but Net would prefer to be alone as being friends with her would be like taking work with him, something he does his best to avoid. He doesn't show it, but he is always relieved to see her at work as he worries that one day she will be killed and he will likely have to investigate her death, something he may not find himself strong enough to do. Net appreciates her company and if they didn't work together, would be her friend.

Ban Hammer - Boss: Ban Hammer regularly has Net ready to investigate crime scenes he finds while patrolling. When around him, Net doesn't frown as he fears Ban Hammer will take his negative facial expression as a sign of disrespect. Net respects Ban Hammer but thinks he is a little too egotistical for his liking and could do a better job at being a warden and keeping the prisoners in jail. When Net is called in for a job, he hauls ass to make sure he gets there before Ban Hammer does anything stupid that could interrupt the crime scene. Net and Fortune do their best to pinpoint who is responsible for the crime before presenting their case to Ban Hammer as they believe he would be clueless unless everything is laid out in front of him beforehand. He doesn't realize that behind his back, Net and Fortune treat him like a child who just happens to be insanely strong and in a high position of power. Net feels honored to get called by Ban Hammer for investigations since he is recognized but also thinks "Oh gods here we go. What did he find this time?" when he gets the call.


  • Favorite music genre is Funk
  • Loves fizzy drinks
  • Has a crush on Katana
  • Net has met Shuriken, Vine Staff, and Slingshot but avoids socializing with them as he thinks they're too young to be getting involved in phights and doesn't want to get emotionally attached to those who may meet an early, easily avoidable, death
  • While he is in a faction, he doesn't get involved in any conflicts involving factions
  • His favorite anime would be One Punch Man
  • He has identified Scythe as the prime suspect of multiple crime scenes and can't believe she hasn't been caught yet
  • His frowning face is his default expression. It started when he was about 13 and did it so much that he did it without realizing it
  • The way he is always frowning was inspired by the creator (me lol) making faces of unamusement/disgust while drawing or writing for no reason and not noticing until they look away
  • Gets cold easily and never wants to go to Blackrock
  • Pities Ban Hammer for having to patrol all the regions
  • Once investigated a murder in an apartment complex in the Crossroads
  • Hates how many phighters aren't even in their 30's yet and are getting into so many dangerous activities (Boombox, Skateboard, Rocket, etc)
  • Knows of Subspace and doesn't really care because, unlike Scythe, whose occupation is being a literal serial killer, Subspace is a (albeit crazy) scientist who does most of his killing during phights
  • Doesn't get involved in phights as he prefers to live
  • Likes cats
  • Drinks coffee that's 70% creamer