
25 days, 6 hours ago


The main character. A beautiful plant ghost who believes her beauty is a curse.

💗Her full name is Vesta LeFay 

💗19 years old

💗Normally sweet, reserved, shy, but If agitated: feisty, easily angered, snarky 

💗Despite being considered the most beautiful monster in her town, Vesta is no narcissist. She believes her beauty is a curse because she thinks people only want her because of her beauty, so she’s very lonely and horrible when it comes to finding love.

💗She has two younger siblings that live with her; Her little sister Hecate and her little brother Spectrum. They also has a older brother named Ali that lives in a royal cemetery due to his marriage with a princess he courted 

💗She has a beautiful singing voice 

💗She lost her eye to a gunshot wound when she was alive, which ended up killing her

💗Vesta is also the subject of attraction to Arin, a famous and attractive Rock Golem. She harbors ill feelings towards him and finds him annoying 

💗Her weapon is a pink scythe 

💗Her nickname for Antonio is “Antie” 

💗Her favorite colors are red and pink

💗She normally hides behind a fan whenever she’s out in public just so no attention is focused on her 

💗Vesta’s Inspiration 

  • Maria (from the Book of Life)
  • Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Emily (Corpse Bride)
  • Squigly (Skullgirls)
  • Lucille (A Monster In Paris)

💗Vesta doesn’t like showing her eye socket in public, so she always covers it with her hair. She only shows it to people she’s comfortable with. Hecate, Antonio and Spectrum already know what happened.

💗Vesta and her siblings died in a murder ordered by her family’s enemy, due to some beef. Since they’re together, her main priority is keeping her siblings safe and happy.

💗Obviously, Vesta’s favorite flowers are roses. Her powers involve roses and thorns. 

💗Vesta’s dress she wears is the one she was buried in 

💗She sings in an abandoned mausoleum that was converted into a cabaret.