Izami (Runeterra)



26 days, 16 hours ago


Name: Izami Ishtore
Title: "Relentless Flame"
Species: Human (Magicborn)
Gender: Demiboy (He/They)
Age: 19
Height: 6'4"
Origin: Noxus (Originally from Zaun)
Personality: Abrasive, Impolite, Blunt, Head-strong, Serious about his work, Confident, Harsh, and Cold. Hard to befriend and incredibly difficult to gain the trust of. Underneath his cold exterior, he is a sweet, kind, silly and caring young man, but years have stripped his willingness to be vulnerable to others.
About: Asking Izami of his childhood would get you no answers, and no one truly knows where he originates from besides his adoptive parents, who refuse to tell him anything of the such. But if you were to persuade them, you would find that Izami is originally from Zaun, his birth parents having fled the Ionian Invasion and having nowhere else to go. They were talented sorcerers, and had travelled together in the past as a mercenary band, but were afraid of the war for the sake of their unborn son, and abandoned their village days before it was destroyed. Izami would be born days after they arrived in Zaun, and his parents were praising the gods that they made it. However, they would soon come to find out that life in Zaun was not forgiving. They soon began struggling to provide for their son, and especially for themselves. His father would begin taking mercenary jobs once again, while his mother would work as a nanny in Piltover. This would help sustain their lifestyle, and for a while, things were normal enough.

Since his father was busy most of the time, Izami would be with his mother while she nannied for different rich families. Most of the children she babysat didn't want anything to do with her child, and they quickly became used to this. He was a poor child after all, and all these children were rich and snotty. Instead, they would entertain themself by learning to climb the buildings around him with just his hands, or get into fights with children that irritated him. In one instance of their trouble-causing, he would discover his natural affinity with fire when they nearly burned down a marketplace stall. At first, he was hesitant to tell their mother, fearing the worst, but eventually he gave in, told her, and all she would do was just smile and shake her head. Afterwards, in her free-time, she would begin giving her child magic lessons.

During all of this, they had one consistent family his mother would constantly nanny for every time they came back around, a family of rich nobles from Noxus. They would come over to Piltover in the winter time and leave when summer came around. Unbeknownst to either of Izami's parents, they were members of the infamous Black Rose, and would one day witness one of their magic training sessions. Realizing they could earn the Rose's favor if they took this child and offered him to them, they would request a meeting with Izami's parents, offering to have their eldest child watch the young boy. His parents accepted, clueless what the meeting was about, but thrilled at the idea of possibly having a way to earn more money. They would all have dinner together, and in the middle, the noble family would offer to take Izami off of their hands in exchange for a great sum of money. Bewildered by the prospect, and suspicious at the lack of information revealed, Izami's parents would decline, but little did they realize no was not an option. They would leave the dinner shortly afterwards, only to discover that their meals had been poisoned. Both of them would succumb before ever being close to reaching a healer, and the Noxian nobles would return home, informing young Izami that no longer would he be living in Zaun, and that their new home was with them in Noxus.

They would return to Noxus in the summer, and ended up selling their home in Piltover. They would go through the process of actually adopting the young kid, and as soon as they possibly could, they would hand Izami over to the Black Rose, promising him that they were only going to help him with his magic. In a sense, they would do so, but not without its repercussions. During the course of these experiments and "training" sessions, Izami would gain many scars, burns and began to fear their own magic as it grew ever stronger. One day he would confront his "adoptive mother" and demanded the truth out of her. She would straighten up and "explain" to them that his parents had dumped him onto them as they couldn't afford Izami anymore and that providing for him was why they had been struggling. That they had taken pity on him and their situation and that he should be grateful, for if they hadn't he would have just been out on the streets. She continued to weave her own tale as she told them that the Black Rose was his best chance of actually becoming something, and that progress did not come without its sacrifices, and that he should once again be grateful for this. Without any further questions, Izami would leave, and accepted their path.

Only a few days after his 13th birthday, his parents would find a way to get him enlisted into the Noxian military under a false age, and despite his unwillingness, he would do his parents' bidding. During one of their missions, Izami would get separated from his brigade and end up along the Noxian oceanside where they would find a nearly drowned wyvern. Though normally, he would have left the creature be, something in him compelled him to aid it, and in doing so, they earned a permanent ally, having saved her life. For some period of time, he would just meet her out on the outskirts of the mountain range, but eventually he would learn to ride her, and then to fight whilst riding her. As they spent more time together, she began to become the one creature in Noxus that Izami trusted, and he named her Anthiese. Having a huge winged beast certainly helped in combat, and with time, they would begin raking up many victories for them. Between his abilities with fire, his skill with close combat and their blades, and having his huge companion, Izami would prove to be an incredible asset for the Noxian Military. Not to mention, that with his parents' status as well, it became incredibly easy for them to move up the ranks, and soon enough he would become one of the youngest commanders in the Noxian Military.

Despite all of this, Izami is not sure of his future. They are unsure of the Military, and more so his place in the Rose, but it is all that they know. In some sense, he knows that he is just a pawn, but their desire to have the affection of his "parents" over rules most concern. Most of his years in Piltover have been unknowingly suppressed due to traumatic incidents, and his adoptive parents will do anything but tell them the truth. So, for now, until he has use otherwise, they remain his "loving family's" tool, striving to obtain some sort of affection or recognition from them.