Tripp Pants



19 days, 11 hours ago


Tripp Pants
Some sort of Guy

Record store custodian
Technically alive


Nonverbal, nervous amalgam of cat and bat that stumbled out of a peculiar Dr's lair one day and right into the path of a parasitic crab, thus bringing the creature known as Tripp Pants to life. He didn't ask to be this, but necrosis be damned that boy can work a mop.

  • His crab is two seconds away from ejecting at any given moment.
  • He wears tripp pants to hide his tiny bat feet.
  • He smells of mothballs, formaldehyde and damp fur.
  • Actually fairly sweet natured, just very scared.
  • Not as strong as you'd expect a frankenstien's monster-type to be.
  • Industrial goth, old punk, grunge and new wave music.
  • Fast food.
  • Peace and quiet.
  • Menial repetitive tasks.
  • Soft textured fabrics.
  • Dr's and scientists.
  • Thunder and Lightning.
  • Surprise 'dad' visits at work.
  • Vermin nibbling his mangey fur.
  • Baths.
  • Water.
  • Falling apart or being de-constructed.
  • The scary worm lady who comes into the shop sometimes.
  • The scary bird cowboy who also comes into the shop sometimes.
  • There's so many scary ladies in this store please help him.
  • Keeping pet mice and rats.
  • Finding new foods to enjoy (not always edible).
  • Borrowing records to listen to.
  • Knitting.
  • Crafting nests in the shop's aisles to sleep in.
quirks / habits
  • Communicates in grunts, groans, gurgles ect.
  • Picks at his stitches and plate.
  • Chews on objects when nervous.
  • Shockingly sweaty.
  • Has an excellent sense of rythmn.
Stitched Back Together Wrong.

On a dark and stormy night Dr Edmund Scalesworth hauled a mass of dug up and salvaged body parts onto a surgical table and began to work; stitching cat to bat, repairing holes and tears in skin and fluff, stuffing organs in most the right places. Perhaps one or two went missing but, well you know they say you should never work when you're hungry. Accidents happen. With the final touch of a metal plate to hold his (possibly aardvark) brain in it was time to bring this creation to life, a lever thrown, a spark of electricity and then....There he was....

Good Morning Sunshine.

Blinking with eyes seeing for the first time the creature looked around to the accompanient of his creators wild laughter, but rather than gazing upon the Dr with reverence or obedience he instead stared with what can only be described with something inbetween absolute confusion and abject horror. Where was he? WHAT was he? He had no recollection of anything, he'd just popped into existance, newly born! A fresh new thing! He didn't like this very much!! He hadn't asked to be made!! And so in a panic the creature bolted, running out the building and out into the sun; stumbling down the street, whining and groaning to himself, until he stumbled through the window of a music store...

Is That A Crab In Your Pants.

In a blind panic the creature ran through the store, making his way to a dark little supply closet out back where he shut himself inside to finally find some peace....... And a pair of tripp pants. They seemed made for him, left here as lost property these trousers made for the perfect clothes to hide his tiny, tiny bat feet that he found oh so embarrasing; and so he reached for them. Now, in his newly created and disorientated state the creature failed to notice a small object wriggling under the fabric until it was too late, and as he pulled the tripp pants over to himself something LEAPT out from underneath! An alien crab, a mignyan! It was over in a second, the already confused creature found himself infected, as if life could get anymore baffling. Least he still had the pants though.... He pulled them on and curled up in a ball, taking a rest after all the havoc he'd experienced in his first day of life.

Employed. Somehow.

The next day when the store opened the creature found himself awoken by the door to his hiding place creaking open and a very pissed off music store owner staring in, a mignyan named Rudy who was less than pleased about his broken window. In a fateful moment that would change the creatures life forever he spoke the first words he'd heard since his creators yelled "HE'S ALIVE, HE'S ALIVE!". "Hey Tripp Pants guy. What's the deal with smashing my window. You're gonna clean that up y'know.". The creatures eyes widened. Tripp Pants. A name, he'd been given a name. He stood up with a pitiful whine, trying his best to wordlessly express his apologies; before a dustpan and brush was pushed into his arms and an accusatory finger pointed over to the broken glass underneath a suspiciously Tripp-shaped hole in the window. Of course he obliged, quietly sweeping up while Rudy watched carefully; before wandering over to a mop and picking it up, starting to clean the floor to a high sheen, impressing Rudy highly. The mignyan had been understaffed for quite some time, taking care of every job around the store himself, and so once he sad Tripp down for lunch he offered him a deal; how about he became the stores custodian full time...

design notes

He is a musty, dusty, unpleasant looking beast who never stops looking unkempt. His fingernails in undisguised form are sopping sad little eyes, his fur is rough and matted, his 'pawpads' are just holes in the mignyan meat that show his undisguised skin underneath; the meat sockets on his back take on the form of a tire track. He almost always wears a pair of tripp pants to hide his tiny feet and he is a deliberately mishappen and un-proportionally correct looking thing. HE'S A BIT WEIRD BUT WE LOVE HIM!

  • Fur colour 1: #554E39
  • Fur colour 2" #7F806B
  • Skin colour 1: #5E7B60
  • Skin colour 2: #4A6A4D
  • Skin colour 3: #4A6A60
  • Meat colour: #7B5E7A
  • Pearl colour: #FF7D87
  • Teeth colour: #E6D5A7
  • Mignyan eye colour : #321426
  • Sclera colour 1: #F3FD71
  • Sclera colour 2: #E3CB83
  • Iris colour 1: #7A1A55
  • Iris colour 2: #7A1A1B
  • Metal colour: #A3A3A3
Dr Scalesworth : Creator (Dad???)

Tripp wavers between scared of and just deeply embarrased by and confused about his creator daily, with Edmund frequently coming into the shop and bothering him in all manner of ways while Tripp works. He's sort of family though.....right? Tripp's not sure what that means. He took him to get ice cream once though and that was alright. Most the time he just says rather baffling things to him and Tripp tries to run away.

Rudy : Employer.

Tripp trusts Rudy a LOT and will run to him when he feels menaced, believing he can protect him. Rudy's his boss and Tripp is a very loyal employee, though his attempts to be friends haven't worked all too well on Rudy yet. He does tend to treat Tripp kindly though, seeming to pity the weird creature a fair bit. He lets him sleep in the supply closet too, Tripp likes that.

name : relationship

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name : relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.