


1 month, 4 days ago







Young Adult






Silver Crown Large




1502 cm


5051 kg




Rime is a character made for my pal's Monster Hunter-themed DND campaign!

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For most of their youth, Rime lived in the Hinterlands with a Barioth named Summit. Summit saved Rime from being hunted by a tribe of Boaboa and the two became friends. Summit was considerably older than Rime, and the Beotodus wasn't aware of this until they reached adulthood, when Summit's teeth fell out and he became a Frostfang Barioth. Summit and Rime treated each other like family, and the two of them were inseparable. The Barioth had been to every corner of the New World continent, and told tales of all the different monsters he'd met in his travels. His exploring days were behind him, though, as his age meant staying in the Hinterlands was the safest option for him.

One day, a young adult Kushala Daora made its way to Hoarfrost Reach. Upon its arrival, Summit acted defensively, attacking it one day when it wandered too close to where he and Rime had been living. The dragon quickly explained that it meant no harm, and that it'd been driven out of its home in the Elder's Recess by a Nergigante. It had the scars to prove it, too—there were scars all over its legs, chest and neck. After some encouragement from Rime, Summit cautiously allowed the elder dragon to stay with them until it could find a new home. This Kushala Daora, a male named Halcyon, accepted the invitation.

Before long, Halcyon bonded with Rime and Summit and became part of their little found family. The 3 of them lived together for 4 years in the Hoarfrost Reach.

One day, the trio caught wind of some unnerving news— a tempered Velkhana had arrived and began wreaking havoc upon the Hinterlands. It'd been attacking any and every monster it came across for no reason. Some said that the Iceborne Wyvern had succumbed to madness, but no one knew why. Sensing that it was dangerous to continue living in the Hinterlands, Rime, Summit and Halcyon prepared to move elsewhere until things calmed down. Unfortunately, the Velkhana attacked them as they were making their way out of the Hoarfrost Reach.

The three of them tried to stand their ground, but the Velkhana was a skilled fighter and wouldn't listen to reason when argued with. It lunged at Rime, nicking their dorsal fin and afflicted iceblight in the process. Summit and Halcyon managed to keep the Velkhana's attention away from Rime while they recovered. They urged Rime to run, knowing the Beotodus was wounded and had a slim chance of surviving the conflict. When Rime protested, saying they couldn't leave them, Halcyon insisted that they'd be fine, and that they will reunite with the piscine wyvern as soon as they could.

With no other choice and time running out, Rime swam through the snow as fast as they could away from the fight. When they briefly looked back, they couldn't make out the shapes of their beloved friends, only a flurry of wind and ice.

They continued their search for a new home, hoping that Summit and Halcyon defeated the Velkhana. Rime stayed in the Frost Islands of the Kamura Peninsula and waited, hopeful that Summit and Halcyon would find them, but as days turned into weeks, weeks to months, their hope dwindled. Still, they stayed in the Frost Islands, clinging to the shred of hope they barely had.

Over time, food became more scarce, and so did predators. Eventually, the Beotodus had to resort to scavenging, but even that proved difficult. It was like all life had vanished into thin air. They briefly considered returning to the Hinterlands, but knew they didn't have the energy to make such a long trip. And so, they spent most of their time sleeping, slowly wasting away...

Until they woke up in that strange jungle, greeted by the small black Kirin that spoke in tongues.*


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