Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

I occasionally post art with gore/blood

I don't post anything NSFW and I will not accept it as payment


  • Be kind to everyone. Absolutely no racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, or other discrimination/hate on this profile. 
  • Do not interact if you are a pedophile, zoophile, fetish artist, post NSFW, or create anything promoting the ideas above (racism etc). I also reserve the right to block anyone for any reason. If I'm uncomfortable with you interacting with me, I will block.
  • Don't DM me randomly unless I know you. It's weird and unnerving.
  • Keep swearing to a minimum.
  • Don't give me self-deprecating compliments. (Ex: "I could never draw as good as you." etc.) I appreciate that you like my art but don't say things that put yourself down. It doesn't make me feel very good and it probably doesn't make you feel good either. Be confident in your art!
  • Follow all additional rules. Rules will be listed in the description/caption.


  • I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
  • Please don't steal my art. I work hard and I own all credits to my work. Feel free to reference my style but don't directly steal!
  • Please don't write hateful comments on my art. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated just be polite! I'm always looking to improve and feedback is absolutely welcome.
  • If you're buying an adopt, pay the amount asked within a reasonable time. If you can't afford something, don't ask for it. (Holds are allowed for up to a week).
  • Don't resell my designs for more than you purchased them. Unless you ask and I say yes, keep the price lower than the original. Unwanted designs can be given back to me, sold, or gifted to someone else. PLEASE DON'T GIVE AWAY DESIGNS (in any way) TO ANYONE UNDER MY DNI/BLACKLIST
  • Don't make huge changes to my designs. Slight alterations are allowed, as long as the design is still recognizable as my own.
  • Requests and art trades are welcome if I know you. Check my status on those before asking, though.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!