


1 month, 11 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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For Offer



 a violent windy storm. 

Tempest embodies the contradictory nature of nature itself – beautiful yet destructive, chaotic yet balanced. She is a force of both awe and peril, a reminder of the power and the fragility of the world we inhabit. Despite her immense power, she seeks to understand humanity and their place in the grand scheme of life. Her journey is a constant exploration, a quest to learn and grow alongside the world she shapes.

Tempest is a paradox – a creature of both destruction and creation, a force of chaos and order. She is a protector and destroyer, a playful deity and a wise oracle. Ultimately, her role is to ensure the balance of the world, to orchestrate the constant dance of life and death through the power of the storm. And she does it all with a smile, a twinkle in her stormy eyes, and a love for the thrill of the chase.

 Dont be scared, Be prepared. 

Ryan Hall, Y'all

Pronouns She / They
Gender Fluid. She identifies most strongly with feminine energy but has no set gender.
Orientation Omnisexual
Age Timeless, though she manifests as young, vibrant, and full of life.
Birthday N/A
Species Ghost Rainbow Boa, Crocodile, Bat, Thunder Bird
Status Alive (Immortal)
True to her name: Tempest embodies the unpredictable nature of the weather.
Protective of Her Domain: Tempest fiercely protects the natural realm. she lashes out at those who disrupt her domains or threaten her mortals.
Possesses both a destructive and benevolent nature: capable of unleashing both chaos and renewal.

Passionate: Tempest is deeply devoted to her domain and the destructive beauty of storms. she derives immense pleasure from witnessing their power.

Unpredictable: Can be both general and nurturing, but also destructive and unforgiving.

Benevolent: Despite her formidable nature, she cares for her mortals, even if their path is fraught with danger.

Destructive: when provoked, Tempest can unleash the full force of her storms, causing widespread devastation.

Teasing: Though she respects mortals, she loves to play with them, either by scaring them or just playfully teasing them.

Playful and Joyful: Tempest's age and power do not diminish her sense of wonder. She loves the adrenaline rush of storm chasing, even participating in it by shrinking herself to fit in cars alongside human chasers. Tempest finds amusement in the chaos she creates. She relishes the thrill of the chase, both as a storm chaser herself and in encouraging mortals to pursue the unpredictable dance of the tornado. She has a mischievous streak, often using her powers to create playful pranks or whimsical displays of weather.

Introspective and Philosophical: Tempest has spent millennia observing the ebb and flow of life on Earth, developing a nuanced understanding of the balance of creation and destruction. While she might create chaos, she understands its vital role in the grand scheme of things.

Chaotic Good: Tempest is a force of nature, unpredictable and powerful. She loves the thrill of the chase, the raw power of a storm, and the beautiful chaos they create. However, despite her destructive potential, she genuinely cares for mortals and strives to maintain a balance.

Paradoxical: She is both a force of nature and a protector of life, finding balance in the seemingly opposing forces.

To Mortals, Tempest manifests as an Enigmatic Hybrid Creature, with the body of a serpent, wings of both a bat and a macaw, and the vibrant colors of Rainbow Boas and Macaws. Her wings are soft, and elongated, capable of creating powerful gust of winds. Her macaw-like wings, and vibrant eyes glow with an ethereal brilliance. She stands at an imposing height to many mortals, both awe-inspiring and slightly terrifying, dwarfing mortals, but diminutive compared to other deities. Tempest can shift her size at will, shrinking down to fit into a car when she goes storm chasing, but towering over the clouds when she unleashes her full power.

  • Eyes can be drawn Glowing
  • Hair is optional
  • Extra heads are NOT OPT
  • Please draw her with breast
  • Teeth on small heads can go up or down

Original Price $0 as I created her.
Current Worth $128.50
Acquired Through Creation
Designed by Myself
Offer Status NFS/NFT Forever Homed
I Accept NFS/NFT
Minimum Offer NFS/NFT
Height 3 Meters, 9.8 feet tall ( can Shrink in Size )
Weight N/A no mass as she is made of Air
Build Thin and slightly curvy
Birthmark/s Hurricane patterns, Hook Echo patterns, ECT

Skin Tone N/A ( grey )
Fur Color Shades of Greys, and Bright rainbow colors.
Fur Length Short.
Coat Multi-Colored
Eye Color Rainbow
Hair Color Rainbow
Hair Length Medium


Tempest was born from the primal forces of the atmosphere, birthed in a tempestuous storm of unimaginable scale. She is the embodiment of the wind, rain, lightning, and thunder, however her true domain lies in the heart of tornadoes. While she is a deity, unlike her more traditional counterparts, she doesn't live in a celestial realm. She chooses to experience the world through the eyes of mortals, often shrinking herself to pocket size to join storm chasers on their adventures. however her true domain lies in the heart of tornadoes. She is revered and feared by mortals, who see her storms as both a blessing and a curse. She wields the power to control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning with devastating force. However, she also possesses the ability to create gentle breezes and calming tempests, bring both destruction and solace to the world. Tempest was not a creature of any singular age, as time moved differently for gods. Despite her agelessness, she had a youthful spirit, a childlike curiosity that drew her to the mortal world. She found joy in the simplicity of things, the quiet beauty of a sunset, the thrill of a sudden downpour, and the chaotic energy of a powerful storm. But above all, she was captivated by the fury of tornadoes, the swirling vortexes of air that defied logic and defied gravity. It was in these whirling columns that she found a part of herself reflected, a mirror to her own untamed energy. Thus began her pursuit of the storm chasers, these mortals who defied the fear of the storm and sought to understand, observe, and sometimes, even control its fury. Drawn to their unwavering courage, she would shrink herself to the size of a small bird, slipping into the cramped spaces of their vehicles, a silent passenger on their relentless chase, where she would choose to not be seen by mortals. At first, her presence was a mystery, a whispered legend amongst the chasers. They would recount stories of sudden gusts of wind, inexplicable shifts in the atmosphere, and uncanny premonitions about where the storm would touch down. They would leave offerings of flowers or small trinkets on their dashboards, a silent attempt to appease the mysterious entity that seemed to be watching over them. Tempest would observe them, fascinated by their humanness, their courage, their drive to understand the world around them. She would listen to their conversations, their jokes, their anxieties, and their hopes, learning about their lives, their loves, and their losses. She saw the beauty in their vulnerability, the strength in their fragility, and the courage in their simple desire to live. But Tempest was bound by the rules of her own world. She could not intervene directly, could not save every life, could not alter their fate. She knew that even the most destructive storms served a purpose, that death was a natural part of the cycle of life, and that chaos, sometimes, was necessary for renewal. Yet, she felt a pang of sadness for each life lost, for each family torn apart by the whims of nature. She couldn't help but feel a responsibility, a desire to protect these mortal souls who dared to face the wrath of the storm. So, she would guide them, subtly, silently, through her own unique brand of storm whispering. She would nudge the winds, manipulate the heat, and influence the atmospheric pressure, all in an attempt to steer the storm away from populated areas, to protect those lives she held so dear. Her actions were not always successful, but she persisted, driven by a strange love for these mortal chasers, a connection that transcended the boundaries of god and mortal. She was a contradiction, a deity with a human heart, a force of nature with a soul yearning for understanding. She was Tempest, the enigmatic god of the storm, the bringer of chaos, and the silent guardian of those who chased the wind.

Skill: Storm Chasing Expertise: Tempest knows the intricacies of storm formation and movement better than any human. 

Skill: Acrobatics and Agility: She is incredibly swift and agile, moving with the grace and fluidity of the wind.

Skill: Survivalist Skills: Tempest is resourceful and adaptable, able to thrive in the harshest environments.

Skill: Flight: Tempest can fly using her bat-macaw wings, reaching incredible speeds and performing daring maneuvers.

Skill: Size Manipulation: She can shrink her body to fit into a human car, allowing her to join mortals on their storm-chasing expeditions.

Skill: Knowledge of Natural Patterns: Tempest possesses a deep understanding of weather patterns and natural disasters, allowing her to predict and guide their course.

Skill: Tornado Creation: Tempest can create and command tornadoes of variable size and intensity, utilizing them for both destruction and guidance. She can even control the path of existing tornadoes.

Skill: Weather Manipulation: Tempest has absolute control over all aspects of weather:









Battle Strategy

Tempest's primary weapon is her control over the weather. She can summon fierce winds to knock opponents off their feet, use lightning to stun and disorient, and unleash devastating tornadoes to overwhelm her foes. Her strategies often involve manipulating the environment to her advantage, using wind currents to create whirlwinds, or summoning torrential rain to create mudslides. .

However, Tempest prefers to avoid direct conflict if possible. She understands the destructive power of her abilities and uses them sparingly, often relying on her knowledge of the weather to outmaneuver her enemies or create diversions.

 Strength: Wind Control: She can generate powerful gusts, create whirling cyclones, and manipulate wind currents.

 Strength: Cloud Formation: She can summon, shape, and disperse clouds, controlling the amount of precipitation.

 Strength: Lightning & Thunder: Tempest can create and direct electrical storms, utilizing both lightning bolts and thunder as weapons or spectacle.

Weapon Her powers over weather, and the atmosphere itself
Range Long
Specialty The Creation of Tornadoes




Tornado Creation Tempest can create and command tornadoes of variable size and intensity, utilizing them for both destruction and guidance. She can even control the path of existing tornadoes.
 Knowledge of Natural Patterns: Tempest possesses a deep understanding of weather patterns and natural disasters, allowing her to predict and guide their course.
Weather Manipulation: Tempest has absolute control over all aspects of weather

Association N/A
Occupation Storm Chaser
Rank Expert
Birthplace The Atmosphere itself
Residence The US, within the atmosphere
Blood Type N/A as she has no blood
Archetype Caregiver
Alignment Chaotic Good
Role Deity/Godess of the Weather/Tempest
Relationship Status N/A


Tempest is almost always calm and collected, save for the moments when her passion for storms boils over. She enjoys teasing her human companions with her knowledge of weather patterns and her ability to predict the next big storm. Her calm demeanor is often a stark contrast to the chaotic events she can unleash. When interacting with humans, she is playful and whimsical. She enjoys the thrill of the chase and thrives on the adrenaline rush of a powerful storm.

While she is a deity, unlike her more traditional counterparts, she doesn't live in a celestial realm. She chooses to experience the world through the eyes of mortals, often shrinking herself to pocket size to join storm chasers on their adventures, she is ultimately a benevolent deity who strives to maintain a delicate balance in the world.

  • Mortal Storm Chasers
  • Her Domain
  • Balance
  • Long periods without strong weather
  • Killing Mortals
  • DisHarmony

While she is a deity, unlike her more traditional counterparts, she doesn't live in a celestial realm. She chooses to experience the world through the eyes of mortals. She enjoys learning about the human experience, observing their triumphs and their failures. She also seeks to ensure that the forces of nature are in equilibrium, creating both destruction and rebirth.

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




  • She chooses to experience the world through the eyes of mortals, often shrinking herself to pocket size to join storm chasers on their adventures
  • While her size and power can be intimidating, Tempest has developed a knack for interacting with humans and understanding their complex emotions. She often becomes a trusted friend and mentor to those who chase storms with her.
  • Tempest would observe them, fascinated by their humanness, their courage, their drive to understand the world around them. She would listen to their conversations, their jokes, their anxieties, and their hopes, learning about their lives, their loves, and their losses. She saw the beauty in their vulnerability, the strength in their fragility, and the courage in their simple desire to live.


Motherly figure, taking care of storm chasers as they follow her creations. Though whispers in the winds, change in the atmosphere and more. She can communicate with others through thoughts, enabling her to guide storm chasers away from potential danger and to warn them about severe weather events.

Tempest possesses a deep understanding of weather patterns and natural disasters, allowing her to predict and guide their course. Helping her Storm chasing companions though even the toughest of weather.


Tempest has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of history. She has seen the destructive power of nature firsthand, and she has also seen the resilience and ingenuity of humanity. She is aware of her role in the balance of the world, knowing that storms, while destructive, also bring renewal and change. Tempest is an ancient deity, responsible for the creation of storms and tornadoes. Her love for storms, particularly tornadoes, stems from their raw power and destructive beauty. She finds a strange sense of thrill in the chaos they embody, but also a sense of peace in their ephemeral nature.

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ac sagittis mi, eu feugiat arcu. Vestibulum risus mi, tincidunt a rhoncus at, dapibus ut purus.
  • Morbi lacinia, elit vel dignissim luctus, augue quam congue velit, ac suscipit enim est vel massa.
  • Phasellus facilisis sed neque in gravida.
  • Cras nunc velit, finibus et dui sed, laoreet laoreet libero. Morbi at mi justo.
prn / prn


Nam ante massa, elementum id fringilla sit amet, bibendum quis magna. Nulla tristique volutpat diam eu finibus. Vivamus sollicitudin tristique lectus, in blandit magna scelerisque non. Duis ornare turpis nec bibendum condimentum. Duis egestas erat vitae felis tempor, non accumsan neque posuere. Aenean hendrerit volutpat enim eu bibendum. Nulla viverra ullamcorper risus.

Aliquam sollicitudin interdum pharetra. Integer sit amet nisl sed risus dictum hendrerit vel sit amet mauris. Maecenas pellentesque tellus non nunc dapibus mollis. Aenean sit amet iaculis enim, sed sagittis ex. Nam aliquet venenatis justo. Sed libero orci, malesuada vitae malesuada rutrum, auctor eu est. Duis iaculis, ipsum id accumsan efficitur, tortor ex malesuada dolor, ut congue sapien ipsum non nisl.


Suspendisse nec arcu non dolor scelerisque gravida quis eget metus. Phasellus vitae nulla rutrum nulla scelerisque scelerisque a sit amet ligula. Proin consequat nibh non gravida consectetur. Vestibulum vitae neque enim. Nullam euismod porttitor est, quis tempor purus. Vestibulum euismod quis ex nec porta. Aliquam interdum dictum magna sed congue. Donec aliquam ut metus a tristique. Curabitur vulputate quam nec elit accumsan, eu pharetra lectus pellentesque. Duis tincidunt efficitur elit eget vulputate. Morbi non enim eget tortor blandit ornare. In vitae arcu porta, efficitur lacus in, vestibulum velit. Quisque scelerisque lorem eget metus convallis porta.

Sed vitae pharetra nunc, id placerat diam. Praesent volutpat in turpis in feugiat. In eu velit eget sem vestibulum cursus. Donec accumsan, sem at aliquam lacinia, turpis nunc accumsan neque, vel dictum libero orci vitae velit. Integer ante sem, fermentum eu fringilla vitae, viverra quis elit. Aliquam nec venenatis nisl, eget finibus erat. Mauris in faucibus elit.

Sed mattis lacus massa, eget dignissim diam condimentum faucibus. Nunc ut consectetur ante. In ligula leo, interdum quis viverra fringilla, scelerisque a augue. Suspendisse diam augue, condimentum pharetra sodales at, molestie at libero. Etiam dictum tempus orci, a mattis turpis pharetra vel. Sed vitae ornare velit, malesuada mollis sapien. Pellentesque rhoncus nec enim ut scelerisque. Ut pellentesque eros felis. Donec eget ante eget enim hendrerit semper. Fusce pretium eleifend viverra. Praesent vitae dui fringilla metus iaculis lobortis sed a ante.

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ac sagittis mi, eu feugiat arcu. Vestibulum risus mi, tincidunt a rhoncus at, dapibus ut purus.
  • Morbi lacinia, elit vel dignissim luctus, augue quam congue velit, ac suscipit enim est vel massa.
  • Phasellus facilisis sed neque in gravida.
  • Cras nunc velit, finibus et dui sed, laoreet laoreet libero. Morbi at mi justo.
prn / prn


Nam ante massa, elementum id fringilla sit amet, bibendum quis magna. Nulla tristique volutpat diam eu finibus. Vivamus sollicitudin tristique lectus, in blandit magna scelerisque non. Duis ornare turpis nec bibendum condimentum. Duis egestas erat vitae felis tempor, non accumsan neque posuere. Aenean hendrerit volutpat enim eu bibendum. Nulla viverra ullamcorper risus.

Aliquam sollicitudin interdum pharetra. Integer sit amet nisl sed risus dictum hendrerit vel sit amet mauris. Maecenas pellentesque tellus non nunc dapibus mollis. Aenean sit amet iaculis enim, sed sagittis ex. Nam aliquet venenatis justo. Sed libero orci, malesuada vitae malesuada rutrum, auctor eu est. Duis iaculis, ipsum id accumsan efficitur, tortor ex malesuada dolor, ut congue sapien ipsum non nisl.


Suspendisse nec arcu non dolor scelerisque gravida quis eget metus. Phasellus vitae nulla rutrum nulla scelerisque scelerisque a sit amet ligula. Proin consequat nibh non gravida consectetur. Vestibulum vitae neque enim. Nullam euismod porttitor est, quis tempor purus. Vestibulum euismod quis ex nec porta. Aliquam interdum dictum magna sed congue. Donec aliquam ut metus a tristique. Curabitur vulputate quam nec elit accumsan, eu pharetra lectus pellentesque. Duis tincidunt efficitur elit eget vulputate. Morbi non enim eget tortor blandit ornare. In vitae arcu porta, efficitur lacus in, vestibulum velit. Quisque scelerisque lorem eget metus convallis porta.

Sed vitae pharetra nunc, id placerat diam. Praesent volutpat in turpis in feugiat. In eu velit eget sem vestibulum cursus. Donec accumsan, sem at aliquam lacinia, turpis nunc accumsan neque, vel dictum libero orci vitae velit. Integer ante sem, fermentum eu fringilla vitae, viverra quis elit. Aliquam nec venenatis nisl, eget finibus erat. Mauris in faucibus elit.

Sed mattis lacus massa, eget dignissim diam condimentum faucibus. Nunc ut consectetur ante. In ligula leo, interdum quis viverra fringilla, scelerisque a augue. Suspendisse diam augue, condimentum pharetra sodales at, molestie at libero. Etiam dictum tempus orci, a mattis turpis pharetra vel. Sed vitae ornare velit, malesuada mollis sapien. Pellentesque rhoncus nec enim ut scelerisque. Ut pellentesque eros felis. Donec eget ante eget enim hendrerit semper. Fusce pretium eleifend viverra. Praesent vitae dui fringilla metus iaculis lobortis sed a ante.

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ac sagittis mi, eu feugiat arcu. Vestibulum risus mi, tincidunt a rhoncus at, dapibus ut purus.
  • Morbi lacinia, elit vel dignissim luctus, augue quam congue velit, ac suscipit enim est vel massa.
  • Phasellus facilisis sed neque in gravida.
  • Cras nunc velit, finibus et dui sed, laoreet laoreet libero. Morbi at mi justo.
prn / prn


Nam ante massa, elementum id fringilla sit amet, bibendum quis magna. Nulla tristique volutpat diam eu finibus. Vivamus sollicitudin tristique lectus, in blandit magna scelerisque non. Duis ornare turpis nec bibendum condimentum. Duis egestas erat vitae felis tempor, non accumsan neque posuere. Aenean hendrerit volutpat enim eu bibendum. Nulla viverra ullamcorper risus.

Aliquam sollicitudin interdum pharetra. Integer sit amet nisl sed risus dictum hendrerit vel sit amet mauris. Maecenas pellentesque tellus non nunc dapibus mollis. Aenean sit amet iaculis enim, sed sagittis ex. Nam aliquet venenatis justo. Sed libero orci, malesuada vitae malesuada rutrum, auctor eu est. Duis iaculis, ipsum id accumsan efficitur, tortor ex malesuada dolor, ut congue sapien ipsum non nisl.


Suspendisse nec arcu non dolor scelerisque gravida quis eget metus. Phasellus vitae nulla rutrum nulla scelerisque scelerisque a sit amet ligula. Proin consequat nibh non gravida consectetur. Vestibulum vitae neque enim. Nullam euismod porttitor est, quis tempor purus. Vestibulum euismod quis ex nec porta. Aliquam interdum dictum magna sed congue. Donec aliquam ut metus a tristique. Curabitur vulputate quam nec elit accumsan, eu pharetra lectus pellentesque. Duis tincidunt efficitur elit eget vulputate. Morbi non enim eget tortor blandit ornare. In vitae arcu porta, efficitur lacus in, vestibulum velit. Quisque scelerisque lorem eget metus convallis porta.

Sed vitae pharetra nunc, id placerat diam. Praesent volutpat in turpis in feugiat. In eu velit eget sem vestibulum cursus. Donec accumsan, sem at aliquam lacinia, turpis nunc accumsan neque, vel dictum libero orci vitae velit. Integer ante sem, fermentum eu fringilla vitae, viverra quis elit. Aliquam nec venenatis nisl, eget finibus erat. Mauris in faucibus elit.

Sed mattis lacus massa, eget dignissim diam condimentum faucibus. Nunc ut consectetur ante. In ligula leo, interdum quis viverra fringilla, scelerisque a augue. Suspendisse diam augue, condimentum pharetra sodales at, molestie at libero. Etiam dictum tempus orci, a mattis turpis pharetra vel. Sed vitae ornare velit, malesuada mollis sapien. Pellentesque rhoncus nec enim ut scelerisque. Ut pellentesque eros felis. Donec eget ante eget enim hendrerit semper. Fusce pretium eleifend viverra. Praesent vitae dui fringilla metus iaculis lobortis sed a ante.

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ac sagittis mi, eu feugiat arcu. Vestibulum risus mi, tincidunt a rhoncus at, dapibus ut purus.
  • Morbi lacinia, elit vel dignissim luctus, augue quam congue velit, ac suscipit enim est vel massa.
  • Phasellus facilisis sed neque in gravida.
  • Cras nunc velit, finibus et dui sed, laoreet laoreet libero. Morbi at mi justo.
prn / prn


Nam ante massa, elementum id fringilla sit amet, bibendum quis magna. Nulla tristique volutpat diam eu finibus. Vivamus sollicitudin tristique lectus, in blandit magna scelerisque non. Duis ornare turpis nec bibendum condimentum. Duis egestas erat vitae felis tempor, non accumsan neque posuere. Aenean hendrerit volutpat enim eu bibendum. Nulla viverra ullamcorper risus.

Aliquam sollicitudin interdum pharetra. Integer sit amet nisl sed risus dictum hendrerit vel sit amet mauris. Maecenas pellentesque tellus non nunc dapibus mollis. Aenean sit amet iaculis enim, sed sagittis ex. Nam aliquet venenatis justo. Sed libero orci, malesuada vitae malesuada rutrum, auctor eu est. Duis iaculis, ipsum id accumsan efficitur, tortor ex malesuada dolor, ut congue sapien ipsum non nisl.


Suspendisse nec arcu non dolor scelerisque gravida quis eget metus. Phasellus vitae nulla rutrum nulla scelerisque scelerisque a sit amet ligula. Proin consequat nibh non gravida consectetur. Vestibulum vitae neque enim. Nullam euismod porttitor est, quis tempor purus. Vestibulum euismod quis ex nec porta. Aliquam interdum dictum magna sed congue. Donec aliquam ut metus a tristique. Curabitur vulputate quam nec elit accumsan, eu pharetra lectus pellentesque. Duis tincidunt efficitur elit eget vulputate. Morbi non enim eget tortor blandit ornare. In vitae arcu porta, efficitur lacus in, vestibulum velit. Quisque scelerisque lorem eget metus convallis porta.

Sed vitae pharetra nunc, id placerat diam. Praesent volutpat in turpis in feugiat. In eu velit eget sem vestibulum cursus. Donec accumsan, sem at aliquam lacinia, turpis nunc accumsan neque, vel dictum libero orci vitae velit. Integer ante sem, fermentum eu fringilla vitae, viverra quis elit. Aliquam nec venenatis nisl, eget finibus erat. Mauris in faucibus elit.

Sed mattis lacus massa, eget dignissim diam condimentum faucibus. Nunc ut consectetur ante. In ligula leo, interdum quis viverra fringilla, scelerisque a augue. Suspendisse diam augue, condimentum pharetra sodales at, molestie at libero. Etiam dictum tempus orci, a mattis turpis pharetra vel. Sed vitae ornare velit, malesuada mollis sapien. Pellentesque rhoncus nec enim ut scelerisque. Ut pellentesque eros felis. Donec eget ante eget enim hendrerit semper. Fusce pretium eleifend viverra. Praesent vitae dui fringilla metus iaculis lobortis sed a ante.

Enneagram Challanger
Zodiac Sign N/A no birthday
Birthstone N/A no birthday

Goals . . .

Protecting Life: Tempest strives to save lives even when she is the force that could end them. Understanding Humans: She enjoys learning about the human experience, observing their triumphs and their failures. Maintaining Balance: Tempest seeks to ensure that the forces of nature are in equilibrium, creating both destruction and rebirth. Experience the World: Tempest has a childlike curiosity and loves to explore the world. She finds joy in the simple things, like riding the wind and observing the beauty of a storm.

. . . Fears

Lost of Life and Imbalance


  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A

Values & Motivations

Tempest wants to understand the relationship between humans and nature. She is intrigued by their resilience and determination, despite her own chaotic presence. She hopes to learn more about their struggles and desires, and she strives to find a balance between her power and their vulnerability.

She is driven by her desire to experience the world through the lens of her own creation. She is constantly searching for the perfect storm, the ultimate tornado that will captivate her with its raw power. She also cherishes the connections she forges with her mortal chaser friends, seeing their passion for storms as a reflection of her own.

General Health

Tempest is entirely immortal, immune to the ravages of time and disease. She can feel pain, but it is fleeting and her body heals instantaneously.

She is not susceptible to illness or injury. Unlike mortals, her health is not something she needs to worry about.


All Colors
Anything of either really bright, or really dark colors ( prefers more revealing ish clothing )
God-Jake Daniels
Video Game

N/A doesnt have to eat, but can.
N/A doesnt have to drink, but can.
The smell after it rains.
Storm Chasing

Mortals (humans)
Tornadoes ( anything she creates )
Spring/Early summer ( Tornado Season )
N/A ( Many )


Tempest believes that destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin. She accepts the need for both to maintain the delicate balance of the world. Her love of tornadoes is a love of the destructive power that brings about change and renewal.

Tempest was born from the primal forces of the atmosphere, birthed in a tempestuous storm of unimaginable scale. She is the embodiment of the wind, rain, lightning, and thunder, however her true domain lies in the heart of tornadoes. While she is a deity, unlike her more traditional counterparts, she doesn't live in a celestial realm. She chooses to experience the world through the eyes of mortals, often shrinking herself to pocket size to join storm chasers on their adventures. however her true domain lies in the heart of tornadoes. She is revered and feared by mortals, who see her storms as both a blessing and a curse.She wields the power to control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning with devastating force. However, she also possesses the ability to create gentle breezes and calming tempests, bring both destruction and solace to the world. .

Education None
Language Speaks All
Religion N/A ( she herself is a goddess/Deity )
Universe The Mortal Realm ( Earth )


00 . 00 . 00



00 . 00 . 00



00 . 00 . 00



Vestibulum urna sem, consequat vel felis in, dapibus dignissim lacus. Nullam cursus maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eget orci ex. In molestie libero dictum, sollicitudin ipsum et, feugiat mauris. Donec metus lacus, posuere nec mi consequat, efficitur euismod ante. Phasellus pellentesque ex nisi, ut mollis lorem suscipit vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla quis ligula a libero pulvinar rhoncus. Ut efficitur in augue id tincidunt. Proin semper porta augue. Cras tempor venenatis leo, eu sollicitudin felis tempus non.

Etiam metus nunc, mattis eget elementum nec, tempor vitae nulla. Integer bibendum sem nec est sodales pretium. Nunc interdum facilisis massa et dignissim. Morbi consectetur faucibus blandit. Sed pulvinar vitae mi a varius. Nam ullamcorper at orci a interdum. Suspendisse pretium ligula nunc, sed varius augue auctor ullamcorper. Ut at justo non nisi tempor vehicula venenatis in eros. Proin vel magna vel nulla commodo maximus. Phasellus finibus elit quis turpis pulvinar laoreet. Duis in metus odio. Cras lacus diam, accumsan molestie ornare ac, egestas vel dui.

Aliquam blandit egestas facilisis. Sed at convallis lorem, ac sagittis lacus. Nullam leo augue, aliquet et efficitur eu, ultrices ut enim. Cras nec nunc et augue bibendum blandit. Morbi mattis erat neque, in maximus justo lobortis et. Suspendisse velit lacus, tincidunt sed mollis eu, sodales non urna. Proin sit amet ipsum condimentum, blandit libero porta, maximus nibh.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Donec auctor ut purus et posuere. Nulla placerat lorem velit, id pretium mi pellentesque eu.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Sed in neque non erat finibus dictum. Nam tristique luctus euismod.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras mattis diam ut mollis tristique.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

Nullam ligula sem, molestie efficitur arcu in, vestibulum tincidunt massa.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

Vestibulum tempus id neque eu scelerisque. Sed imperdiet orci libero, ac molestie erat sagittis at.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

ras at lorem ac augue tristique faucibus. Morbi sed dapibus velit, eu laoreet nibh. Proin aliquet viverra tortor sit amet eleifend.


Nam sit amet erat at ligula sagittis lacinia vel imperdiet mi. Sed aliquet, urna vitae maximus cursus, lorem diam mattis orci, et imperdiet ante elit at ipsum. Nullam at suscipit turpis. Pellentesque condimentum erat nibh, sed faucibus arcu consequat in. Pellentesque elementum neque quis eros pretium rutrum. Donec nec elit sit amet felis sagittis gravida tristique ac nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Etiam lobortis sapien id lacus cursus vulputate. Mauris in libero tincidunt, aliquam magna quis, laoreet neque. Nullam ac dolor neque. Cras diam ante, venenatis et ante in, fringilla aliquam lorem. Morbi a consequat magna. Cras augue massa, bibendum eget finibus vitae, imperdiet nec turpis. Fusce ut consequat purus. Vivamus mattis ipsum eu eros faucibus hendrerit. Donec quis porttitor ex, porta fringilla urna. Curabitur sodales rhoncus ante vitae elementum.

Nulla facilisi. Nullam non suscipit sapien. Fusce sit amet diam finibus, porta diam non, pellentesque tellus. Integer fermentum lorem vel quam interdum imperdiet. Nulla at consectetur ligula. Phasellus tristique lectus a vehicula aliquet. Suspendisse ullamcorper leo ut nisi semper laoreet. Cras ut mauris rhoncus, rhoncus risus vel, sollicitudin quam. In in arcu mauris. Morbi vitae luctus ligula, et mollis ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Duis quis ultrices nunc, vitae rutrum dolor. Mauris at metus eget ipsum consectetur dictum. Donec lacinia egestas odio, a venenatis orci accumsan feugiat. Fusce ac pulvinar magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque pretium eros tincidunt nisl pharetra lobortis. Praesent quis sodales nunc. Nunc erat leo, aliquam non turpis eget, posuere fermentum massa. Sed egestas leo ac libero scelerisque, a tempus justo aliquet. Fusce rhoncus leo vitae odio feugiat, a maximus ipsum tristique. Curabitur a rutrum erat. Etiam pulvinar lacinia nisl eget volutpat. Aenean eleifend elit ut tortor eleifend euismod.

Nam sed enim a neque interdum rhoncus et ut ante. Curabitur id tincidunt lorem. Aliquam aliquam scelerisque magna non sodales. Fusce consectetur quis leo sit amet blandit. Vestibulum pharetra orci dui, sed tincidunt lorem porta vel. Nulla molestie quis dui sed tempus. Vivamus tempus sed nisl a venenatis. Maecenas vitae magna non ipsum eleifend porttitor. Vestibulum commodo in magna vitae laoreet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Duis pharetra quam a urna consectetur lobortis sed quis neque. Donec cursus elit quis massa ultricies tristique. Mauris pulvinar lorem sit amet urna faucibus, at tincidunt lacus tempus. Vestibulum ac sapien id neque venenatis volutpat. Sed porttitor tempor libero, tempus volutpat dolor finibus et. Duis tincidunt dolor a nisi rhoncus rutrum. Aliquam commodo, orci eget consequat dignissim, erat metus aliquet magna, sed finibus sem urna et lorem. Sed rutrum aliquet risus, a dictum libero bibendum vel.


Vestibulum urna sem, consequat vel felis in, dapibus dignissim lacus. Nullam cursus maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eget orci ex. In molestie libero dictum, sollicitudin ipsum et, feugiat mauris. Donec metus lacus, posuere nec mi consequat, efficitur euismod ante. Phasellus pellentesque ex nisi, ut mollis lorem suscipit vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla quis ligula a libero pulvinar rhoncus. Ut efficitur in augue id tincidunt. Proin semper porta augue. Cras tempor venenatis leo, eu sollicitudin felis tempus non.

Etiam metus nunc, mattis eget elementum nec, tempor vitae nulla. Integer bibendum sem nec est sodales pretium. Nunc interdum facilisis massa et dignissim. Morbi consectetur faucibus blandit. Sed pulvinar vitae mi a varius. Nam ullamcorper at orci a interdum. Suspendisse pretium ligula nunc, sed varius augue auctor ullamcorper. Ut at justo non nisi tempor vehicula venenatis in eros. Proin vel magna vel nulla commodo maximus. Phasellus finibus elit quis turpis pulvinar laoreet. Duis in metus odio. Cras lacus diam, accumsan molestie ornare ac, egestas vel dui.

Aliquam blandit egestas facilisis. Sed at convallis lorem, ac sagittis lacus. Nullam leo augue, aliquet et efficitur eu, ultrices ut enim. Cras nec nunc et augue bibendum blandit. Morbi mattis erat neque, in maximus justo lobortis et. Suspendisse velit lacus, tincidunt sed mollis eu, sodales non urna. Proin sit amet ipsum condimentum, blandit libero porta, maximus nibh.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Donec auctor ut purus et posuere. Nulla placerat lorem velit, id pretium mi pellentesque eu.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Sed in neque non erat finibus dictum. Nam tristique luctus euismod.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras mattis diam ut mollis tristique.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

Nullam ligula sem, molestie efficitur arcu in, vestibulum tincidunt massa.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

Vestibulum tempus id neque eu scelerisque. Sed imperdiet orci libero, ac molestie erat sagittis at.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

ras at lorem ac augue tristique faucibus. Morbi sed dapibus velit, eu laoreet nibh. Proin aliquet viverra tortor sit amet eleifend.


Nam sit amet erat at ligula sagittis lacinia vel imperdiet mi. Sed aliquet, urna vitae maximus cursus, lorem diam mattis orci, et imperdiet ante elit at ipsum. Nullam at suscipit turpis. Pellentesque condimentum erat nibh, sed faucibus arcu consequat in. Pellentesque elementum neque quis eros pretium rutrum. Donec nec elit sit amet felis sagittis gravida tristique ac nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Etiam lobortis sapien id lacus cursus vulputate. Mauris in libero tincidunt, aliquam magna quis, laoreet neque. Nullam ac dolor neque. Cras diam ante, venenatis et ante in, fringilla aliquam lorem. Morbi a consequat magna. Cras augue massa, bibendum eget finibus vitae, imperdiet nec turpis. Fusce ut consequat purus. Vivamus mattis ipsum eu eros faucibus hendrerit. Donec quis porttitor ex, porta fringilla urna. Curabitur sodales rhoncus ante vitae elementum.

Nulla facilisi. Nullam non suscipit sapien. Fusce sit amet diam finibus, porta diam non, pellentesque tellus. Integer fermentum lorem vel quam interdum imperdiet. Nulla at consectetur ligula. Phasellus tristique lectus a vehicula aliquet. Suspendisse ullamcorper leo ut nisi semper laoreet. Cras ut mauris rhoncus, rhoncus risus vel, sollicitudin quam. In in arcu mauris. Morbi vitae luctus ligula, et mollis ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Duis quis ultrices nunc, vitae rutrum dolor. Mauris at metus eget ipsum consectetur dictum. Donec lacinia egestas odio, a venenatis orci accumsan feugiat. Fusce ac pulvinar magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque pretium eros tincidunt nisl pharetra lobortis. Praesent quis sodales nunc. Nunc erat leo, aliquam non turpis eget, posuere fermentum massa. Sed egestas leo ac libero scelerisque, a tempus justo aliquet. Fusce rhoncus leo vitae odio feugiat, a maximus ipsum tristique. Curabitur a rutrum erat. Etiam pulvinar lacinia nisl eget volutpat. Aenean eleifend elit ut tortor eleifend euismod.

Nam sed enim a neque interdum rhoncus et ut ante. Curabitur id tincidunt lorem. Aliquam aliquam scelerisque magna non sodales. Fusce consectetur quis leo sit amet blandit. Vestibulum pharetra orci dui, sed tincidunt lorem porta vel. Nulla molestie quis dui sed tempus. Vivamus tempus sed nisl a venenatis. Maecenas vitae magna non ipsum eleifend porttitor. Vestibulum commodo in magna vitae laoreet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Duis pharetra quam a urna consectetur lobortis sed quis neque. Donec cursus elit quis massa ultricies tristique. Mauris pulvinar lorem sit amet urna faucibus, at tincidunt lacus tempus. Vestibulum ac sapien id neque venenatis volutpat. Sed porttitor tempor libero, tempus volutpat dolor finibus et. Duis tincidunt dolor a nisi rhoncus rutrum. Aliquam commodo, orci eget consequat dignissim, erat metus aliquet magna, sed finibus sem urna et lorem. Sed rutrum aliquet risus, a dictum libero bibendum vel.


Vestibulum urna sem, consequat vel felis in, dapibus dignissim lacus. Nullam cursus maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eget orci ex. In molestie libero dictum, sollicitudin ipsum et, feugiat mauris. Donec metus lacus, posuere nec mi consequat, efficitur euismod ante. Phasellus pellentesque ex nisi, ut mollis lorem suscipit vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla quis ligula a libero pulvinar rhoncus. Ut efficitur in augue id tincidunt. Proin semper porta augue. Cras tempor venenatis leo, eu sollicitudin felis tempus non.

Etiam metus nunc, mattis eget elementum nec, tempor vitae nulla. Integer bibendum sem nec est sodales pretium. Nunc interdum facilisis massa et dignissim. Morbi consectetur faucibus blandit. Sed pulvinar vitae mi a varius. Nam ullamcorper at orci a interdum. Suspendisse pretium ligula nunc, sed varius augue auctor ullamcorper. Ut at justo non nisi tempor vehicula venenatis in eros. Proin vel magna vel nulla commodo maximus. Phasellus finibus elit quis turpis pulvinar laoreet. Duis in metus odio. Cras lacus diam, accumsan molestie ornare ac, egestas vel dui.

Aliquam blandit egestas facilisis. Sed at convallis lorem, ac sagittis lacus. Nullam leo augue, aliquet et efficitur eu, ultrices ut enim. Cras nec nunc et augue bibendum blandit. Morbi mattis erat neque, in maximus justo lobortis et. Suspendisse velit lacus, tincidunt sed mollis eu, sodales non urna. Proin sit amet ipsum condimentum, blandit libero porta, maximus nibh.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Donec auctor ut purus et posuere. Nulla placerat lorem velit, id pretium mi pellentesque eu.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Sed in neque non erat finibus dictum. Nam tristique luctus euismod.

 Moment  00 . 00 . 00

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras mattis diam ut mollis tristique.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

Nullam ligula sem, molestie efficitur arcu in, vestibulum tincidunt massa.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

Vestibulum tempus id neque eu scelerisque. Sed imperdiet orci libero, ac molestie erat sagittis at.

 Achievement  00 . 00 . 00

ras at lorem ac augue tristique faucibus. Morbi sed dapibus velit, eu laoreet nibh. Proin aliquet viverra tortor sit amet eleifend.


Nam sit amet erat at ligula sagittis lacinia vel imperdiet mi. Sed aliquet, urna vitae maximus cursus, lorem diam mattis orci, et imperdiet ante elit at ipsum. Nullam at suscipit turpis. Pellentesque condimentum erat nibh, sed faucibus arcu consequat in. Pellentesque elementum neque quis eros pretium rutrum. Donec nec elit sit amet felis sagittis gravida tristique ac nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Etiam lobortis sapien id lacus cursus vulputate. Mauris in libero tincidunt, aliquam magna quis, laoreet neque. Nullam ac dolor neque. Cras diam ante, venenatis et ante in, fringilla aliquam lorem. Morbi a consequat magna. Cras augue massa, bibendum eget finibus vitae, imperdiet nec turpis. Fusce ut consequat purus. Vivamus mattis ipsum eu eros faucibus hendrerit. Donec quis porttitor ex, porta fringilla urna. Curabitur sodales rhoncus ante vitae elementum.

Nulla facilisi. Nullam non suscipit sapien. Fusce sit amet diam finibus, porta diam non, pellentesque tellus. Integer fermentum lorem vel quam interdum imperdiet. Nulla at consectetur ligula. Phasellus tristique lectus a vehicula aliquet. Suspendisse ullamcorper leo ut nisi semper laoreet. Cras ut mauris rhoncus, rhoncus risus vel, sollicitudin quam. In in arcu mauris. Morbi vitae luctus ligula, et mollis ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Duis quis ultrices nunc, vitae rutrum dolor. Mauris at metus eget ipsum consectetur dictum. Donec lacinia egestas odio, a venenatis orci accumsan feugiat. Fusce ac pulvinar magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque pretium eros tincidunt nisl pharetra lobortis. Praesent quis sodales nunc. Nunc erat leo, aliquam non turpis eget, posuere fermentum massa. Sed egestas leo ac libero scelerisque, a tempus justo aliquet. Fusce rhoncus leo vitae odio feugiat, a maximus ipsum tristique. Curabitur a rutrum erat. Etiam pulvinar lacinia nisl eget volutpat. Aenean eleifend elit ut tortor eleifend euismod.

Nam sed enim a neque interdum rhoncus et ut ante. Curabitur id tincidunt lorem. Aliquam aliquam scelerisque magna non sodales. Fusce consectetur quis leo sit amet blandit. Vestibulum pharetra orci dui, sed tincidunt lorem porta vel. Nulla molestie quis dui sed tempus. Vivamus tempus sed nisl a venenatis. Maecenas vitae magna non ipsum eleifend porttitor. Vestibulum commodo in magna vitae laoreet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Duis pharetra quam a urna consectetur lobortis sed quis neque. Donec cursus elit quis massa ultricies tristique. Mauris pulvinar lorem sit amet urna faucibus, at tincidunt lacus tempus. Vestibulum ac sapien id neque venenatis volutpat. Sed porttitor tempor libero, tempus volutpat dolor finibus et. Duis tincidunt dolor a nisi rhoncus rutrum. Aliquam commodo, orci eget consequat dignissim, erat metus aliquet magna, sed finibus sem urna et lorem. Sed rutrum aliquet risus, a dictum libero bibendum vel.


Bright Colors


Angel and Demon


Story and Character Involve Natural Disasters


Warning Snake Character


Sona Badge


Forever Homed







Ribbons by https://toyhou.se/Slate

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