Pandora's Comments

Dude I love this guy! Here's a story to help me get em 😼

Her name would be Pandora, and she would inhabit a little box (sort of like a genie), and haunts whoever opens the box, usually luring in those that are ill-hearted and "unpure". Rather than three wishes, Pandora would give three curses to the person she's haunting. If Pandora sees these curses taking a toll on the one she cursed and making them good again, she will provide them one minor wish before commanding the haunted being to put her back inside the box and hide her somewhere, the wish and no longer being haunted being their reward. If the person DOESNT become unpure and stays wicked even with the curses, Pandora will eternally haunt them. Once they die, they'll be stuck inside the box with Pandora forever as a cursed soul. And to asnwer the question "why cant they just leave the box or break it or seal it?" Pandora has made it precice to where it's impossible for the haunted being (or anyone at that matter) to break the box OR the curse. Even if they leave it behind, the box will always follow...

YOO I LOVE THIS STORY?? gimme a sec and ill transfer them to you, just dont remove my favorite on them as i fav my designs to keep track of them and check in on them ^^

I usually don't remove the favorites! Thank you so much!

yw!! enjoy the bean :D

their name would be phantom, anddd it would be awsom to have a design from u :333

aww nothy ur sweet <3 ill consider it !! but i wanna see if i get other ppl first


Looks cool. It could have potential in my lore as I need OCs to fill in roles that are needed.Â