Van and Kaleida



23 days, 10 hours ago


Van and Kaleida are two separate entities who inhabit the same form. Most of the time they behave and speak in unison, but they are each capable of asserting their own wants or ideals. The two are privy to one another’s thoughts and feelings, to an extent, but they are capable of keeping secrets from one another. They also each control their half of the body independently. While they normally synch their sleep and wake cycles, they are capable of alternating who sleeps, making them capable of staying on guard 24/7. They each also sustain damage independently. Although one can feel the others pain, the other will not be particularly impaired by injuries to the opposite side, beyond how it impairs their body’s movement as a whole. Likewise it is possible for one to control the body while the other is unconscious. However, it is much easier for Kaleida to manipulate Vans side of the body than vice versa. 

Side Note: Van’s mouth moves whenever Kaleida speaks, however Kaleida’s mouth doesn’t usually move when Van speaks. When they speak in unison (which is generally any time they aren’t talking to each other) both voices speak at once. However, the one of the pair who is more directly speaking will come through louder than the other. 

Van was born without Kaleida, and was largely considered relatively normal. He was reserved even as a child. Kaleida began to manifest in his early teen years, and initially the two fought near constantly and struggled for dominance. However in the intervening years, the two of them have grown very close, and are now deeply fond and dependent. 

Van is dour, low energy, and reserved. He tends to keep his opinions to himself unless invited, and prefers to keep his head down. Kaleida is his near opposite, mischievous, chaotic, and loudly outgoing. She is made of a strange, viscous, multicolored fluid, and very usually wears an unusually wide grin. Her body is amorphous, and can change shape and length. The colors sometimes also shift depending on her mood. Although the inky black highlights are always present, the rest of the color tends to darken if she is injured or exhausted. Kaleida seems much more inclined towards villainy, but Van seems to do a decent job of reining her in.