Justin Harnish



1 month, 7 days ago


Justin Harnish 'Justin'

    | About |

| Full Name: Justin Harnish
| Gender: Male
| Age: late 20s early 30s
| Height: 6'
| Eye Color: Brown eyes
| Hair Color: Light Brown
| Ethnicity: Caucasian 
| Country of Birth: United States Of America
| Relationship Status: Engaged
*engaged to his long term significant other Julian, who isn't much of a horse person himself and is more flamboyant 

   | Personality |

| Short Description:
-Justin is a reserved man, who is quiet and observant, but he is incredibly kind hearted and loves to help others

| Likes: Horses, A Challenge, and To Help Others

| Dislikes: Abusive Riders/Trainers

| Quirks: Justin enjoys starting horses, and finds it both peaceful and fulfilling to start a horse and watch that horse mature and succeed in the show pen

    | Hermosa Ranch Staff |

| Main Position at Hermosa Ranch: Trainer & Colt Starter for Hermosa Ranch

| Secondary Position(s) at Hermosa Ranch: Show Rider for Hermosa Ranch

| Main Discipline: Hunter Under Saddle + Western Pleasure

| Secondary Discipline(s): Trail

| Horses Owned: *co-owns these horses with Hermosa Ranch*

| Horses Under his Management:

  • *some of the younger horses in our HUS program

Based off of IRL Julian Harris