Dawn Bouyer



1 month, 7 days ago


Dawn Bouyer 'Dawn'

    | About |

| Full Name: Dawn Bouyer
| Gender: Female
| Age: late 40s early 50s
| Height: 5'2
| Eye Color: Brown eyes
| Hair Color: Brown
| Ethnicity: Caucasian 
| Country of Birth: United States Of America
| Relationship Status: Married

   | Personality |

| Short Description:
- Dawn is a sweet grandmother type figure at the ranch, while the stern and tough love type, she is also very loving and kind hearted. Dawn is wise, quiet, and observant. She doesn't waste her time with shitty people, and would rather work alone than with people she doesn't approve of. Dawn also is a no bullshit type, and will not hesitate to call out someone for a valid reason. Silent strong type.

| Likes: Beaches, Corgis, & Rainy Days

| Dislikes: Arrogant Riders, Self Serving Judges, and Karen Show Moms

| Quirks: Dawn is very motherly, and while she may push her students, she also knows when they need a break

    | Hermosa Ranch Staff |
*Dawn is also a Judge on the side
| Main Position at Hermosa Ranch: Head Trainer

| Secondary Position(s) at Hermosa Ranch: none

| Main Discipline: All Around Pleasure

| Secondary Discipline(s): Western Dressage

| Horses Owned: *co-owns these horses with Hermosa Ranch*

| Horses Under her Management:

Based off of my horse grandmother <3