Lou Valenta



4 months, 14 days ago


cupid, how could you be so cruel?


  • flowers
  • fruit
  • quiet
  • farm animals
  • chocolate milk


  • snakes
  • cockiness
  • spicy foods
  • cigarettes
  • his real name


  • louis "lebedev" valenta is his full name, his middle name meaning swan.
  • for his first few days at the household, he couldn’t bring himself to eat. currently, he repeats to himself that it’s animal meat.
  • covers his ears whenever there’s a chase going on, especially when it’s a victim he tricked.
  • doesn’t participate in hunts so he often does chores with bubba.
  • because of the time spent working at a slaughterhouse, the smell isn’t as bad as it should be.
  • used to be interested in archery.
NAME lou valenta
AGE 26
GENDER cis-male
WEIGHT 165 lbs
ETHNICITY slavic descent
D.O.B 02/14/1948
ROLE family/killer
ALIGNMENT true neutral
VOICECLAIM nicholas braun

a fake light of hope meant to lead escaping victims right back into their killers’ arms. lou’s the most normal part of the sawyers for the sole fact he isn’t one.

a part of the family at first glance (even then he sticks out like a sore thumb), just as much as a victim as anyone else. no matter how hard a certain someone tries to protect him, he knows he’s still a liability that needs to make himself useful if he wants to survive.



quiet and reserved, lou’s often on the sidelines doing this own thing. he doesn’t care much to approach first most of the time and when he is approached, he’s aloof and stoic. he can be blunt, but doesn’t mean to be rude, though he can switch up to a (not so) passive-aggressive attitude. depending on the person, he’ll try his best to come off as more friendly. not shy, yet not the best at handling social situations. even then, he relies more on logic rather than feelings, especially with the sawyers. lou holds his tongue in favor of survivability rather than pettiness. his tolerance is greater with the cannibalistic family, however, he can slip if pushed too far and reveal how stubborn he really is. his cool demeanour is to protect himself, appearing strong is what helped him so far and he doesn’t plan on stopping now.


born and raised in a family with an affinity for hunting, louis practically grew up with a gun in his hands. marksmanship was an important aspect of their life, his father bringing him along to trips and teaching him to shoot deer and such. started with a simple bow and arrow and progressed to a rifle, he was quick to pick up the hobby. through the years, his accuracy was the best out of his family to the point animal hides collected from those he killed were in perfect condition.


at 22, he was drafted for the war. he didn’t want to go and argued with his parents. he had the skills for it, why wouldn’t he serve his country? it ended with a burned card. lou went into hiding, driving away and going on his own into the rural areas of texas. he found himself at a slaughterhouse, befriending thomas sawyer as a coworker. it lasted for a year before it was shut down due to health code violations, leaving him to look for another job. working as a bar-back proved to be enough, unreported to the government and paid alright. a few years away from the countryside left him nostalgic, prompting him to travel by road.


his vacation took a turn after asking for directions at a rundown gas station with a cranky old man. late into the night as he drove, he noticed his tire was slashed too late. forced to stop, he looked around and decided to try and get help from the only house in the area. next thing he knew, he was being dragged down into a basement. the sole reason he’s alive was because the chainsaw-wielding killer recognized him.

lou knows they’re itching to get rid of him in any way, but they can’t. he can’t leave because they’re afraid they might tell the authorities and he can’t die because someone wants to keep him around. so he’s begrudgingly helping them in ways other than killing.

if lou had been spared without previous interactions with the man, he’d feel a lot more conflicted. but based on their history together, he knows that bubba didn’t deserve to be in a family like this. he knows there’s no ulterior motive, thomas just wants to keep him safe.

avoid at all costs. he’s already walking on eggshells, he doesn’t need some egotistic prick to make him crack. all around bad news.