Nick ☀



1 month, 7 days ago


Nick Skyper
Where Is Smiley?
Serani Poji

01 — Profile

Name Nick
Nicknames Nicky, Nikcy, Sun, Sunny
Age 21
Gender Male (He/They)
Height 6'1
Birthdate Sep 17
Species Cat
Sexuality Pansexual
Zodiac Virgo

Designer LuckyK12
Worth $250
  • He have ONLY one horn.

  • His earrings and horn is on the left.

  • Always draw his wings, earring and horn.

  • His blush color is his blood color.

  • Always draw him with Charlie.

  • Please don't draw him sad (I will cry/j), gore or anything unless you ask for permission and I agree.

  • Moonsun (Charnick) is a happy and healthy relationship so do not draw anything that is not happy or healthy. Thank you so much!:3

02 — Personality

He's an energetic guy who loves outdoor activities and hangout (almost like Feather). Everytime he see a sad person he will try his best to comfort and cheer them up! He makes friend really easy and almost everyone love him.

Around Normal Friend: He would be a therapist and supportive friend around them, he mostly chat/talk with him when he's free (he's free most of the time). Sometimes he will be silly around them but he's normal most of the time.

Around People He's Comfortable With: He talk with them most of the time and make them a little gift when he have motivation for it. He love being silly around them and he feel really good when they are comfortable with him too.

  • Outdoor & Hangout

  • Chrysanthemum (white)

  • Sun Set & Sun Rise

  • Tea

  • Marshmallow

  • Strawberry (He's allergic)

  • content

  • content

03 — Backstory


He borned from a lovely and caring family. He have a sweet mom, nice sister and cool dad. He spend really less time with his dad but they both still have a good relationship. Most of the time he just spend time with his mom and sister (femboy alert!!). That's why he's really sweet with everyone.

Everyone in the cat group knows him. He's a good kid who always happy and nice to almost everyone. His Childhood was really happy and full of joy.


When he grew up a little more, he's still friendly and sweet. He got more energetic and help everyone. But in one time when he's hunting with his family, his dad got attack by a big dog. Nick got panic and don't know what to do, he just stand there until his sister pull him out of them big dog. Seeing his dad got killed with his own eyes, that's the first traumatized he have in his life. That's the reason why he really care and feel bad for the kits who don't have parents.


Nick grew older, he became a babysitter for the cat group. He love and enjoy his job really much. the kits also love him. One day, a new cat came and join the group. It's Charlie! As Charlie just join, Nick tried to talk with him but Charlie always look kinda grumpy and quiet half of the time make Nick a little sad. One time Charlie just came to Nick when he's babysitting the kits. Nick and Charlie have a small talk make Nick happier.

Nick and Charlie spend a lot of time to each other. Charlie always came to Nick and talk with him. They starts having feelings for each other. On valentines Day, Charlie confess his love to Nick as Nick accept immediately (This is the most romantic story I'm writing *tears*). They spent their time more as Nick knows Charlie is actually really sweet and lovely. Sometimes Charlie also help Nick babysitting,the kits really love both of them | I will update when they get marry 😻 |.

04 — Random Facts

  • He loves playing sports and he always play tennis/badminton with Feather.

  • He loves kittens and want his own kittens a lot.

  • He love high spot like top of the mountain, waterfall and etc.

  • He love making gift for people he love and received gift from them.

05 — Relationships


Charlie is the first person that say I love you first in Valentine day. Then Nick is the first person who confess in 18 May.

Dad In Law

They met when Charlie introduce them to each other. Nick and Feather almost have the same hobbies so sometimes they spend time to each other doing their hobbies.