fav 2 enter!'s Comments

Faved and subbed! Fav character I have is my OC malorie, I love drawing her!

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faved and subbed >_< tysm for the chance!!

IC is probably my fave right now, i've been using him to get back into forum games and it's been such a blast worldbuilding him and giving him a personality in my head uahhhhhh.... endicott my pookies....

I faved and subbed also my favorite is prob Jangie Blood since she been with me for 10 years now

faved, subbed

i love saanvi he is my sona

Faved and subbed

my all time favourite is mira. she is my first and only silverzzzz design

faved and subbed :3 ! my favourite character of all time is my oc nicolas... he is.. just he. he is a soldier :3 he is absolutely self absorbed and a charmer. in reality all of my main ocs are my favs though i cannot decide

faved and subbed! and a fav character of mine is Shiver from splatoon, even though I love allll the splatoon idols, shiver is just so so silly i lob them SO MUCH!!! oh and acht too theyre so so pretty

faved + subbed! my favorite character of all time is claude harborlan [one of my ocs]... hes so tragic hes died 18 times and came back every time hes sopping wet he has a fanclub both ic and ooc i LOVE him

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I love solid snake from metal gear I know he’s kinda talked about a lot but hes just so silly Billy 💗

Did all! 

one of my fave chars of all time is fern from adventure time, his conflicts, design and voice (plus he’s green and I really like the color XD) its such a comfort feeling seen in a character that can act conflictive and look for his place in the world

you seem so nice! And you have a nice style too!! Absolutelyin lovd,, my fav oc has to by my guy Hex, mostly coz i putted a lot of myself into him :]

GODD u seem like such a sweet artist but !! my fav has gotta be my xenomorph OC bc I'm sooo fixated on Alien right nowww... those weird creatures r so cool ugh

OOOO alien so good, I love love love the odd shapes and proportions they use. Even down to the architecture in that series is absolutely mind blowing 😵‍💫

YESSSS im super enthusiastic about practical effects & design so every part of it is just AGGHHGG  

my fav character is uhh blood bunny, i dunno why 😭😭 (if my own character, is icc!! Becauz shes silly MWEHEHHE)

did everything and a character I really love is Naota from FLCL fr 🦀🦀

My favourite ‼❓ WJBDJWN i think all my most recents atm,,, my scammer central cast 🤲🤲🤲  ig id probably like Risoria the most tho,, i like making characters who kinda use un savoury tactics to keep people in line and shit,,, bit fan of not morally sound characters 👍👍👍 i think that kind is very kewlll ♡♡♡ 

Oooooo yo it characters sound like they’d make up a really go off psychological thriller, the type of story to keep you thinking about a lot, and keep you on your toes :0 I like that a lot!!

Nsjfj tysmm ♡♡♡ i havent thought of making it a psychological thriller since i have a couple other storys that seem to fit that bill more (N9, the markers, and also from me to you) :33 

I picture Scammer central to b more silly/ more of a comentary on corrupt business practices and captialism but i def could see that fitting in 

Gl on yr raffle ♡♡ i hope who ever wins adores them greatly, the design is super cool, uber cute :^DD ♡♡ 

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My favorite characters are Doraemon, everyone from Pui Pui Molcar and them right now!

Did everything! My favorite character that I have is my sona Nemui!

May be biased but my favourite character is my fursona Greed (who may or may not desperately need an upgrade), but besides him I definitely love Cupid!

Favorite character I own or from something? I have quite a few of both '^_^

Could be either :D I love learning about people’s ocs, but even if it’s from pop culture I like learning how it came to be someone’s favorite 

Then it would have to be Ratchet from Transformers, I love how many different versions there of him and all his different backstories, but he always stays the same grouchy old medic despite that. I eventually want to make an oc inspired by him. ^ ^

Ohhhh I love when even over time a characters appearance changes, they keep their relationship and personality that makes them stand out :0 

Same! It's what makes them, them. It's nice when they keep them, or at the very least the core part of them.

MY FAVORITE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME IS... my little squishy Antonio. I hate him, and that's why I love him. Writing for him is always a journey and exploring his character is so much fun, I know him like the back of my hand.

Oh I love this ( ´▽`) I always find the story building to be one of the most fun behind the scenes stuff. 

mehehe entering ;3c