


24 days, 16 hours ago



Name DaisyBee (Gänseblümchenbiene)
Age 57 moons (5.6 years)
Alias Woopsie Daisy
Gender Tom
Sexuality Gay
Pronouns He / It
Role Medicine Cat
Status Alive

  • Only one eye, other eye is just a socket
  • Ears are supposed to resemble monstera leaves
  • He has dwarfism so he is very short and has a hard time walking
  • Can be drawn with herbs in pelt
  • ALWAYS has bee wings under his left ear

DaisyBee is a sarcastic, blunt tom which is not afraid to share his mind.

He resides in HearthSongClan being the designated lead Medicine cat, working along-side his apprentice FrozenPond and her own apprentice ButterflyPaw.

DaisyBee enjoys stories and singing alone, he also loves pollinators such as bees and butterflies and can often be found lurking around bee hives and flower feilds collecting the pretty insects.

It is a very hard worker, he treats his job very seriously and enjoys being challenged in his work. Though this does mean sometimes he gets very burnt out and has to leave his job to FrozenPond for awhile.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


DaisyBee is trained in healing and search and rescue. Often heading into battle zones to help healed cats and find the missing.

His knowledge of herbs help him to quickly find a heal for a wound, though he struggles to help with illnesses.


DaisyBee is untrained in battle but he knows ways to defend himself.

Due to his small size it's hard to catch him in a battle however.


DaisyBee was born to ZeroTwo and BadgerHoney in HearthSongClan along with his brother Alien. He was a shy kit at birth and very rarely played with others. But due to his uncle being the leader HollyStar, he found himself getting higher privledges then other kits and being able to explore outside of camp with HollyStar.

DaisyBee was made a warrior's apprentice, yet as he began to get frequent and often violent prophecies he was quickly put into the medicine cat apprentice position under his father, ZeroTwo.

A few moons into his apprentice-ship his mother was found dead, and found himself in the middle of a murder case centered around his father. With HollyStar untrusting of him and his brother running away to join the more carefree kitty-pet life, he became more reserved.

Eventually this tension came to a boiling point and HollyStar lashed out at DaisyBee, giving him a blinding blow to his left eye. This strained their relationship, and with ZeroTwo still lurking around camp. DaisyBee found himself knee-deep in distrust and spite. Wanting to prove to everyone he was more then just his father's mini-me. Leading to one day, when ZeroTwo went to finish off HollyStar, DaisyBee throwing his father into the gorge. Killing him. He now resides peacefully doing his duties and trying to mend the relationship he and HollyStar had when he was younger.


  • His ears are not scratched or messed up in any-sort of way, they're just naturally leaf shaped!
  • Due to his dwarfism he often has to take breaks after walking due to the strain on his bones.
  • He's an Aeries.
  • Despite the fact that his ears are folded, his hearing is perfectly fine.
  • He has, ironically, a bee-sting allergy.

Some words here
Insect Carpenter Bee
Alignment Good
MBTI Introvert
DOB April 5th
Home HearthsongClan

Designer ClownFoolery_
Theme Song Falling Up - Will Wood
Voice Claim Ryan Guldemond
Value (commison prices) 15$


He cares deeply for her, yet can be distant at times.


Though HollyStar is his uncle. They have a strained relationship. Yet recently they've tried to connect back together.
